
05-23-2015, 07:44 AM
RE: Kitty pricing!
I'm all for being realistic about the market. Some kitties Are worth more than others. I tend to look at quality of whiskers when shopping; others may look at other things depending on their projects.
The fundamental problem is that there are just too darn many cats on the grid. Nobody wants to menagerie tons of kitties that they've poured their lindens into. But the problem will not get better until the supply is shrunk to fit the demand.
There needs to be a HUGE incentive to menagerie cats. (Current math of 20L per box is not very compelling.) The market will not improve until there is a giant bonfire of cats. I know that sounds gross. But the market won't get better without it. People spend a lot of money to buy those limited editions. They are willing to put out to get them. I really think it would be worthwhile to have limited edition menagerie cats. Create an urgency to menagerie cats. So that people Have to Menagerie cats RIGHT NOW, or they won't be able to GET that Menagerie cat. I think that nothing short of that will take the cats off the grid. A side-effect of that - and a good one - will be that some retired traits could become genuinely more rare through such an action. And what a mind-blowing effect there would be if a trait actually went extinct. That would make the market move. People would start buying retired traits. It would make the wheel turn.
Now, digging a little deeper into what the mechanics should be for the limited editions: many of the cats on the grid are in the hands of smaller breeders... not bigger breeders. And the smaller breeders don't have enough cats in total to make it worthwhile to turn in cats for menagerie. So those limited editions shouldn't require a huge number of cats. So if the LE menagerie cost is low, but the time available is also short, it may work. In other words, I'm suggesting making menagerie LEs that are relatively easy to get, but you have to get them RIGHT AWAY. Do it in spurts or sprints.
The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.
05-23-2015, 07:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2015 08:16 AM by LyricaBlues Resident.)
RE: Kitty pricing!
(05-23-2015 07:44 AM)Ivy Norsk Wrote: I'm all for being realistic about the market. Some kitties Are worth more than others. I tend to look at quality of whiskers when shopping; others may look at other things depending on their projects.
The fundamental problem is that there are just too darn many cats on the grid. Nobody wants to menagerie tons of kitties that they've poured their lindens into. But the problem will not get better until the supply is shrunk to fit the demand.
There needs to be a HUGE incentive to menagerie cats. (Current math of 20L per box is not very compelling.) The market will not improve until there is a giant bonfire of cats. I know that sounds gross. But the market won't get better without it. People spend a lot of money to buy those limited editions. They are willing to put out to get them. I really think it would be worthwhile to have limited edition menagerie cats. Create an urgency to menagerie cats. So that people Have to Menagerie cats RIGHT NOW, or they won't be able to GET that Menagerie cat. I think that nothing short of that will take the cats off the grid. A side-effect of that - and a good one - will be that some retired traits could become genuinely more rare through such an action. And what a mind-blowing effect there would be if a trait actually went extinct. That would make the market move. People would start buying retired traits. It would make the wheel turn.
Now, digging a little deeper into what the mechanics should be for the limited editions: many of the cats on the grid are in the hands of smaller breeders... not bigger breeders. And the smaller breeders don't have enough cats in total to make it worthwhile to turn in cats for menagerie. So those limited editions shouldn't require a huge number of cats. So if the LE menagerie cost is low, but the time available is also short, it may work. In other words, I'm suggesting making menagerie LEs that are relatively easy to get, but you have to get them RIGHT AWAY. Do it in spurts or sprints.
Holy Smokes! This topic has been dead a month...I guess it was time to toss in a fresh match into the ashes! I agree Ivy, there is an overabundance of cats on the grid. The solutions basically come down to a choice we in the community have to make: a) The Greater good of the Community b) looking after only my little corner of it
Thats the decision that defines whether we are truly a part of the community, or just hangin on the fringe. For myself, I do look at the breeder as much as the cat and I do not support with my Lindens those who do not support a market they expect to support them. But its not that clear to some, or it is but they see it differently than I do, and thats ok. Like I always say, Rev Jim's Kool Aid sure tasted sweet at first, but it was deadly in the end. I actually made a sweatshirt (SL) that says Sheeple! Dont Drink the KoolAid! LOL ...
SUN 4pm & WED 11am Poison's Paradise
Be The Change You Wish to See in the World (Mahatma Gandhi)
05-23-2015, 10:42 AM
RE: Kitty pricing!
(05-23-2015 07:14 AM)CarlottaAdagio Resident Wrote: Thank you, alansaqui, for making this post.
Finally somebody who explains the market very true, detailed and comprehensible.
Oh yes, but still there a so many people who try to deny this.
I think that some breeders/sellers behave like small defiant children. They think that other people have to buy their 1000 Lindens Kitties because they want it and deserve it. They breeded them for a lot of Lindens and with so much time and patience invested and now want the expenses back. But this is just not working right now. So they blame the breeders/sellers who try to sell their kitties for low prices in order to sell some at all.
I just wish they would realize that the market is satisfied in generally. As alansaqui stated:
Quote:There are hundreds of Foxie Salt and Pepper kittys with bellini eyes and curious tails ...SF or PSF ears and white or black and white mysterious whiskers. HUNDREDS. If there were only a handful you can bet your bottom dollar or linden that you would be having to pay a premium for that cat. But people don't because there are so many of them . This is not due to ONE person or a few people selling them at low prices...rather they sell them at low prices due to the fact that there are so bloody many of them.
For me this is the simple truth.
Quote:If I can get rid of my dusty boxes as Fabio calls them for 200L then that is far better than the 20L I will get from the menagerie. That is smart Business. ... If I did ever sell them they would be at a premium but there are some cats I would rather get 200L for than 20L and that is just the way it is.
So true and I even go further because even 200 Linden might be too much to sell some quite ordinary kitties that practically everybody has already.
I don't understand those people who post adverts in kitty groups saying: I sell all my kitties at ..... Linden. Only today (or a week or whatever). Afterwards they all go to Menagerie or (more dramatic) to kitty heaven or (even more dramatic) to slaughter.
Then I tp there and see the kitties are still 200 to 500 Lindens. This not a menagerie price. I don't understand why they don't price these kitties down to about 40 to 70 Lindens or so. This would still bring more money than putting them into Menagerie and getting about 20 Lindens for them. I don't get the logic in this. OR: Why just make a sale and say: I priced down all my kittens to 100-200 Linden.
I always feel this like a kind of blackmailing attempt against KittyCats Lovers. Like: You are responsible if my poor kitties have to go to heaven!
I just wish everybody would take the present market as what it is and stop dreaming about old times.
And if it is hard to sell a kitty for a high price than just breed it for yourself or don't invest so much lindens to breed it at all.
In my opinion everybody who breeds KittyCats right now in this present time should be able to finance their hobby or (like in my Situation) addiction on their own. Everything else is a dream.
That was me but...you are welcome...lol
05-23-2015, 11:27 AM
RE: Kitty pricing!
Oh sorry, doubledareme. I mixed up names. 
I edited this in the post. Thanks!
Thanks given by: | |
05-24-2015, 06:48 AM
RE: Kitty pricing!
My opinion is that whoever owns the cat, feeds the cat, breeds the cat can charge whatever they want without fear of being pressured by any group or "community." Charge what you will and enjoy your cats.
05-26-2015, 11:31 PM
RE: Kitty pricing!
I think this is an excellent suggestion and well worth a seperate post.
(05-23-2015 07:44 AM)Ivy Norsk Wrote: I'm all for being realistic about the market. Some kitties Are worth more than others. I tend to look at quality of whiskers when shopping; others may look at other things depending on their projects.
The fundamental problem is that there are just too darn many cats on the grid. Nobody wants to menagerie tons of kitties that they've poured their lindens into. But the problem will not get better until the supply is shrunk to fit the demand.
There needs to be a HUGE incentive to menagerie cats. (Current math of 20L per box is not very compelling.) The market will not improve until there is a giant bonfire of cats. I know that sounds gross. But the market won't get better without it. People spend a lot of money to buy those limited editions. They are willing to put out to get them. I really think it would be worthwhile to have limited edition menagerie cats. Create an urgency to menagerie cats. So that people Have to Menagerie cats RIGHT NOW, or they won't be able to GET that Menagerie cat. I think that nothing short of that will take the cats off the grid. A side-effect of that - and a good one - will be that some retired traits could become genuinely more rare through such an action. And what a mind-blowing effect there would be if a trait actually went extinct. That would make the market move. People would start buying retired traits. It would make the wheel turn.
Now, digging a little deeper into what the mechanics should be for the limited editions: many of the cats on the grid are in the hands of smaller breeders... not bigger breeders. And the smaller breeders don't have enough cats in total to make it worthwhile to turn in cats for menagerie. So those limited editions shouldn't require a huge number of cats. So if the LE menagerie cost is low, but the time available is also short, it may work. In other words, I'm suggesting making menagerie LEs that are relatively easy to get, but you have to get them RIGHT AWAY. Do it in spurts or sprints.
?????? [ Amber (Icestron Resident) ] ??????
05-27-2015, 12:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2015 12:49 AM by Oselkhandro Resident.)
RE: Kitty pricing!
Wow, Ivy's solution makes so much sense! This is essentially what Blizzard does in World of Warcraft to keep the supply of game currency (gold) under control. People begin to build up lots of gold from quests, and this tends to drive inflation. So, every now and then, Blizzard launches a really desirable, "cool" piece of armor or a mount at a very high gold cost, as a "gold sink". People dump their gold buying this thing, which takes gold out of the market and stabilizes prices for goods. Ivy's solution is brilliant, because the Limited Edition provides desirability, and the limited time provokes urgency: good Gamification tactics! The kitten box supply would be reduced and prices would re-stabilize. This would be good for the KC business, too, because people would have a new incentive to stay in the breeding game, which means buying food.
I second the motion: we need a "kitten sink"!!!
Latest Born Kitty:
05-27-2015, 05:45 AM
RE: Kitty pricing!
I would not be opposed to a "kitten sink" at all. I just think ultimately only the big mega breeders and their alts will benefit and the smaller breeders will feel left out. Worth a try in any case. I suppose nothing will make everyone happy, but this was one of the best suggestions I'd seen and perhaps plausable. I've nothing against big, mega breeders - if they've got the $$$ to fund their projects, so be it! What could it hurt to try it?
05-27-2015, 07:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-27-2015 08:26 AM by fabioazevedo Oh.)
RE: Kitty pricing!
(05-23-2015 07:44 AM)Ivy Norsk Wrote: I'm all for being realistic about the market. Some kitties Are worth more than others. I tend to look at quality of whiskers when shopping; others may look at other things depending on their projects.
The fundamental problem is that there are just too darn many cats on the grid. Nobody wants to menagerie tons of kitties that they've poured their lindens into. But the problem will not get better until the supply is shrunk to fit the demand.
There needs to be a HUGE incentive to menagerie cats. (Current math of 20L per box is not very compelling.) The market will not improve until there is a giant bonfire of cats. I know that sounds gross. But the market won't get better without it. People spend a lot of money to buy those limited editions. They are willing to put out to get them. I really think it would be worthwhile to have limited edition menagerie cats. Create an urgency to menagerie cats. So that people Have to Menagerie cats RIGHT NOW, or they won't be able to GET that Menagerie cat. I think that nothing short of that will take the cats off the grid. A side-effect of that - and a good one - will be that some retired traits could become genuinely more rare through such an action. And what a mind-blowing effect there would be if a trait actually went extinct. That would make the market move. People would start buying retired traits. It would make the wheel turn.
Now, digging a little deeper into what the mechanics should be for the limited editions: many of the cats on the grid are in the hands of smaller breeders... not bigger breeders. And the smaller breeders don't have enough cats in total to make it worthwhile to turn in cats for menagerie. So those limited editions shouldn't require a huge number of cats. So if the LE menagerie cost is low, but the time available is also short, it may work. In other words, I'm suggesting making menagerie LEs that are relatively easy to get, but you have to get them RIGHT AWAY. Do it in spurts or sprints.
what you suggest is very good, but reaches only part of the community. Perhaps only people who have their 1000, 2000, 5000 boxes.
So each new item in the Menagerie sim makes the wheel spin, even for people to exchange for himself a new cat, how to exchange 2-3 to sell in the market.
Want a second solution that will help the other party of the people?
KC give the option to pay 20L $ per cat sent to menagerie.
So when you use the 'MENAGERIE button' you have 'two options': K$50 or L$20.
All people need the lindens to pay 'cattery rentals', and 'store rentals'.
K$ can only be used within KC store.
it's just impossible for small and new breeder accumulate 200-300 boxes.
Store: TooAdorable
Blog: Mr.Cat - breeding, market and classes
Link: http://mrcat-kitty.blogspot.com.br/
05-27-2015, 07:44 AM
RE: Kitty pricing!
Thank you people for the kind words.
Fabio Wrote:it's just impossible for small and new breeder accumulate 200-300 boxes.
I know. It's this smaller level breeder who most often sells at 50L to 150L per box. Which is why I specifically said it would have to be a small cost RIGHT NOW. A lot of people have not only cats in Cattery or inventory, but a lot of not-selling boxes out on store walls. We would want the action to hit those store walls. As in, Omygosh, I wanted to sell this cat (that hasn't sold in a year or 2), but I must have enough boxes Right Now, to actually take inventory out of the stores and off the grid. Keep the number of boxes needed low, but the urgency high.
Now the one person that this scheme is hardest on is Callie herself. Because what I'm asking her to do is a lot of work making a number of extra LEs that would be very short term cats (but highly collectible! - but that doesn't help HQ directly). So, it is asking HQ, and specifically Callie, to work extra hard for the sake of the market.
Another issue is publicity. The smaller breeders don't read the forum so much. In other words, the target audience may not even know about such a collectible until it's being pulled off the market - maybe. Again sprint releases would help. Yes, the bigger breeders would pull in the most collectibles - they always do. It might take 2 releases of a short-term LE before the larger KittyCats market notices. Or maybe not, depending on publicity.
The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.
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