Special SuNday Sauce 6pm w/Nika & Rev @ The ScratchN Post
SuNday Sauce @ 6pm Sundays w/Nika & Rev
Special SuNday Sauce AuctioN w/ Nika & Rev SuNdays @ 6pm @ The ScratchN Post
What flavour will this SuNday's Sauce be???
RONS Auction = Retired Or Non Starter Trait Auction, each kitty in the lineup must have at least 2 or more retired or non starter traits for example fancie eye or Menagerie Trait, basically traits that cannot be bred out of current starters. Should be interesting what traits we get to see!
Burmese Blue Fancie Dusky Diamond +5 http://gyazo.com/cb10b3d4419b34a4cbafcfe1443db22f
The Raffle is only 99L to enter and already running, you do not need to be there to win so come and enter now!!!