? 5T Foxie argyle
M 6T Pandie flame
F 6T russ black w/odyssey cognac wine
M 7T russian-black/odyssey cognac wine
F Foxie (salt & pepper mask/odyssey cognac wine
M 4T Pandie flame
M 3T genesis-diamond IV /malachite
M 7T pandie flame/odyssey cognac wine
F 7T balinese cream lynx/odyssey cognac wine
F 7T Balinese cream lynx/odyssey cognac wine
M 5T bengal tawny/odyssey cognac wine
M 7T maine coon, plush calico washed 100Ls
M 8T Balinese cream lynx (ret fur)
F 7T bengal tawny 100Ls
M 4T Pandie flame /caramel
M 7T Balinese cream lynx (ret fur)

more stock added to 35L 1-4T random and 60L 5-6T random

snowshoe chocolates w/ 18 carot eyes in random vendors
Lots of new lovelies added to the random vendors