RE: Is there a place I can ask about pricing?
Thanks for your input Ivory! I didn't start with KS to sell cats, had no plan to really, but as you know, these things develop over time and I was overrun by cats, and I had some decent ones. I find SO many places with such different pricing. It's funny, because even the people that I know that want and look for 9T cats, and know the '100L per trait rule', aren't really willing to pay more than a gen cat starter price.
And yes, there's not really a 'guide' to special traits such as size, new traits, LE, and hard to breed traits ...
I didn't know if it was OK to post here, or if we could have an ongoing thread or input as to secondary market pricing, as I think so many people have questions about it. Are we even allowed to ask? Will people discuss their pricing strategies?
What is appropriate for an added bonus for size?
It all started because I actually have a Megapuss Precious Peasant ... it's the only one I've seen, and had no idea where to go with it!