
05-25-2013, 07:27 PM
The Cattery
I tried browsing the forum before attempting to post this, but how does one retrieve a box from the cattery?
I clicked the cattery dock in-world, then clicked on cat to SL, went to the page, selected the boxes tab and the box that I wanted which disappeared on the site. But nothing happened in game, no box, no msg or anything. Is there a step that I'm missing?
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05-25-2013, 07:49 PM
RE: The Cattery
Did you try picking up the dock and re-rezzing it? I noticed I've been having that same issue as of late and it only fixes if I either buy a new dock or pick up the faulty doc and re-rez it.
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KittyCatS History Thread
05-25-2013, 07:55 PM
RE: The Cattery
Not sure why I didn't think of that, but it certainly did the trick lol. much appreciated
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05-25-2013, 08:00 PM
RE: The Cattery
Yay!! Awesome!  Hugs
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KittyCatS History Thread
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05-26-2013, 07:51 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-26-2013 07:52 AM by Tad Carlucci.)
RE: The Cattery
One nice thing is, at least, the Dock "fails safe". You should never lose the cat/box when it fails to appear in-world. Simply wait a couple seconds and refresh the page. The cat/box will re-appear. If it does not, close the window/tab and get a fresh link from the Dock.
There are a number of possible causes for problems like this.
The most common is leaving the Cat->SL web page up for long periods. While this often work, it can also fail. The problem is there is no feedback other than the cat/box just not appearing. The cause in this case is usually that the URL needed for the Dock has changed but, since you're using an older copy, you're still trying to use the old URL.
So the first thing you should do is close down all windows/tabs with the Cat->SL web page, go back to the Dock and get a fresh page. And try to learn to close the window/tab on your web browser as soon as you're done with the Cat->SL function. The advice to rez a fresh copy of the Dock is good. But, implicit in that advice is that you close down all Cat->SL windows and tabs on your web browser. Usually, thought, it's the age of the windows and tabs, and not the Dock, which are the root cause of the issue.
Finally, things to bear in mind using the Dock:
1) It must be in the correct land group, so that it has permission to create new objects.
2) There must be sufficient free prims. For a box, there must be at least two prims available; for a live cat, at least 14. More may be required.
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05-26-2013, 03:14 PM
RE: The Cattery
I've found that after choosing a cat,
that if I 'X' off the selection page ( close the page)
then the cat does NOT teleport down to the pad.
But if I 'minus' off the selection page ( merely hide the page)
then the cat goes to the dock.
Much weirdness going on here!
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05-26-2013, 04:10 PM
RE: The Cattery
The Cat->SL function works by sending a request to the KittyCatS web server which, in turn, sends the request to your Dock. Closing the page before the process completes aborts the connection to the web server. That aborts the PHP script which is talking to your Dock. Timing is critical .. if you close the page too soon, the conversation with the Dock does not complete. This all should take only a second, or two. But, all too often any more, the KittyCatS web server is really bogged down and it can take upwards of a minute.
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05-26-2013, 05:18 PM
RE: The Cattery
Just wanted toa dd I've had issues with the dock as well lately. Just been having to re-rezz or buy a new one a lot more often than previously. Not sure what may have changed that could be affecting this though.
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05-26-2013, 05:47 PM
RE: The Cattery
Charm has been noticing such issues on a number of regions.
The current Official theory is script issues for cats, boxes, docks, etc., are caused by some change in the simulator software.
While I can agree that the issue was not caused by scripting changes, I have my doubts that the issues are as claimed. My reasoning is simply that only KittyCatS scripted objects seem effected. My thinking is the problems are either related to some form of resource starvation caused by the sheer number of scripts in KittyCatS objects. That, or it's somehow related to whatever has been causing the KittyCatS.biz server to perform so abysmally over recent months.
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