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Discovery Question: 2 Tone Black & White Whiskers
05-24-2013, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2013 09:09 PM by Shadowfaxx Resident.)
Post: #1
Discovery Question: 2 Tone Black & White Whiskers
Hi Everyone!

I'm sitting on my couch looking at my RL kitty and her 2 Tone Black & White Whiskers Smile . Sometimes I check if her whiskers look like the 2 Tones I have in my pedigree but my RL kitty has very small black parts coming from her nose and go white very fast.

On topic haha: I'm curious about who discovered this whisker trait and where it came from. Or was it released immediately? I remember having a kitty with the 2 Tone trait back in the spring/summer of 2012 and being one of the few having a kitty with that trait. Ps: maybe its in another thread but I just like to start a new thread Wink !
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05-24-2013, 09:35 PM
Post: #2
RE: Discovery Question: 2 Tone Black & White Whiskers
According to the history doc, it's speculated that this whisker color was released with Halloween 2011 but not 100% confirmed, however it was definitely 2011. Smile


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 Thanks given by: Shadowfaxx Resident
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