@ Amore: I normally don't include expensive collector kitties in the spam as majority of
people don't visit the Love Shack for such a purchase or collector kitties in general.
But I'm more than happy to add it here for you in hopes of you making that sale!
TP: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Simply%20Too...e/53/66/21
May 10, 2013
Adorable Girls
? 8T BaliCream pft OdyRain Illume PSF ~ BiggerDeBig!
? BaliFlame FanciePurpleDiamond WhiteMyst +1
? ChateauPink&White1 sm FanciePink Illume +1
? AbyBS OdySlush CuriousTail 2ToneMyst +1
Adorable Boys
? AbyBS pft WildOdyssey 2ToneBooBoo +1
? BaliCream sm FancieBlue Flair BlondeStreak +1
? BaliSeal Prism Glitter FussyTail PlushWhisker +1
? 8T RussWhite myst OdyRain Porc Shorty Rounded
? Lazy Dayzie - Sunny Day