Updated! Easter kitties are beginning to acquire love so why not find them a suitable, adorable mate?
TP: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Simply%20Too...e/53/66/21
April 4, 2013
Adorable Girls
? 8T BaliLilac pft Apple Twinkle Shorty Ody1 BlackWhisker
? BengalSnow sm WildOdyssey Porcelain CuriousTail Ody2
? BaliChoco sm OdySorbet Porcelain +2 ~ She comes with a hat too, aww!
? BaliLilac pft LightWash BlondeStreakedMysterious
Adorable Boys
? 9T SSBluepoint pft RainbowPrism Illume
? BaliCream OdyFire&Rain Stubby Rounded CuriousW
? 8T SiaFlame pft BlueBerry Flair BooBooTail
? 8T AbyFawn pft MorningDew Glitter