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A Kitten's Cry
05-08-2011, 11:27 PM
Post: #1
Heart A Kitten's Cry
A Kitten's Cry

A friend approached me today to vent her frustration out. Her story worried me.

She rented two panels at an auction that was advertised as an auction for breedable cats. On the day of the auction, just a few hours before it started, she noticed that she was the only one with KittyCats boxes to be auctioned off. Politely, she IM'd the manager and asked. Again it was verified, it was for all breedable cats. Take note, all BREEDABLE cats. She was even assured that if anyone will give her a problem with it, she should contact the manager right away. With that said, she waited patiently for the auction to start.

To her surprise the guests started noticing her KittyCats boxes and started saying in the local chat; "kitties cats on the panels, get em off get em off, eeeewww" or "omg what if they interbreed!?! omg! ugh!" even, "unclean unclean!" and they laughed. Mind you, these were the exact words. Not only that, but she was IM'd by the auctioneer saying she was in the wrong auction. She wasn't only embarrassed but was booted out. Did my friend have the right to be there? Yes. Did my friend have the right to feel bad? Definitely Yes. But nope, she didn't say a word nor made a scene. She just quietly took her KittyCats boxes and left.

To be impartial to the other party. Lets say, those who said those words had their biases and preferences. I believe and respect the idea that each one of us have their personal preferences. Still, aren't those words rather harsh and unbecoming? Even if they were jokes, it still sounded mean. The fact that one patronizes a breedable cat, be it any kind, should be enough for one to admit that it would take probably years to actually create one on your own, considering the designs and scripts and whatnot needed. And with that thought, shouldn't that be enough to earn even the littlest respect one can summon?

I for one not only have a great respect for the designers of KittyCats but a great fan to its crew, management and services. But because I am a fan of one thing, does that give me the right to belittle another? I am grateful that the KittyCats fans are not like this or at least not that i know of. That we continue to love our cats and still respect the others. That we respect our cats without insulting others. I hope it stays this way.
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05-09-2011, 03:20 AM
Post: #2
RE: A Kitten's Cry
Agreed! That was so tasteless and tacky for them to say those things. People are allowed their preferences mind you, but they don't have to be hurtful and childish. It amazes me how people can act so pitifully and then wonder where our children are learning such behaviours. Let's not forget that SL doesn't allow toddlers to have profiles. My heart goes out to your friend.
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 Thanks given by: xylvr lyter
05-09-2011, 06:53 AM
Post: #3
RE: A Kitten's Cry
(05-09-2011 03:20 AM)Roewan Kline Wrote:  Agreed! That was so tasteless and tacky for them to say those things. People are allowed their preferences mind you, but they don't have to be hurtful and childish. It amazes me how people can act so pitifully and then wonder where our children are learning such behaviours. Let's not forget that SL doesn't allow toddlers to have profiles. My heart goes out to your friend.

Thanks for the feedback, Roewan. You took the words right out of my mouth. I was really shocked when I heard about it too. I have a shape shifter avi and half of the time I am a teenager. I've been at adoption centers, even visited schools in SL, but I have yet to see a child avi acting like that. Whether child or adult avi, it still wasnt reason enough to say those and act as though KittyCats was carrying some sort of disease. KittyCats are incredibly cute, even the boxes are cute, c'mon..you'd be heartless not to fall for these lovelies!
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05-09-2011, 02:44 PM
Post: #4
RE: A Kitten's Cry
Wow. Your friend did not deserve to be bullied like that. Everyone has their preferences, but I haven't seen the KittyCats fans behaving like this, thankfully.

I think this had more to do with those people wanting to be jerks online than a difference of opinion on a style of cat. There really is no excuse for behavior like that and that place has probably lost her business.

I have a few of the other kitties because they are quite different so each type really offers a different game. KittyCats were my first though, so the other breedables all owe KittyCats for getting me addicted. Wink

I hope your friend found a much friendlier place to sell her cats. Heart

IM me inworld as Kyorisa Yven.
The Breeders' Borough | Gypsy Kitten Cattery
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 Thanks given by: xylvr lyter
05-10-2011, 01:42 AM
Post: #5
RE: A Kitten's Cry

i'm sorry to hear of your friend's experience. sadly people can act in ways not always polite or kind. it's really unfortunate that happens but it does. Sad

i hope your friend will be able to find auctions that she can participate it, there are a lot and i've been to some and there are a lot of nice people. i've also attended some "mixed' auctions with other cats and didn't experience any of that or see it. so i'm sure not all people are like that.

please if you would direct her to our group and she can inquire about the blog some KittyCatS customers that list auctions. perhaps she can find one there for her cats.

again i'm so sorry for your friend's experience, and it's certainly not behavior i'd condone and i HOPE our customers treat those they meet who may participate with different cats with kindness and respect.

it's great there are many choices out there for the different tastes people have.

you're a good friend to share your concern about her! i hope she's ok!

all the best,

callie cline
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 Thanks given by: Kimberly Warwillow , xylvr lyter
05-10-2011, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2011 08:28 PM by xylvr lyter.)
Post: #6
RE: A Kitten's Cry
(05-09-2011 02:44 PM)GypsyKitten Wrote:  Wow. Your friend did not deserve to be bullied like that. Everyone has their preferences, but I haven't seen the KittyCats fans behaving like this, thankfully.

I think this had more to do with those people wanting to be jerks online than a difference of opinion on a style of cat. There really is no excuse for behavior like that and that place has probably lost her business.

I have a few of the other kitties because they are quite different so each type really offers a different game. KittyCats were my first though, so the other breedables all owe KittyCats for getting me addicted. Wink

I hope your friend found a much friendlier place to sell her cats. Heart

Thank you for your feedback Smile I personally do not have anything against other breedables, since I also made it a point to try some of them when I first started, juts to understand how it works. And those who I have asked questions regarding those breedables or even if I'm in the wrong place, would approach me politely. Even if some of my questions are rather annoyingly noobish sometimes LOL. Infact the reason I love KittyCats is their customer service!
(05-10-2011 01:42 AM)KittyCat Princess Wrote:  hi,

i'm sorry to hear of your friend's experience. sadly people can act in ways not always polite or kind. it's really unfortunate that happens but it does. Sad

i hope your friend will be able to find auctions that she can participate it, there are a lot and i've been to some and there are a lot of nice people. i've also attended some "mixed' auctions with other cats and didn't experience any of that or see it. so i'm sure not all people are like that.

please if you would direct her to our group and she can inquire about the blog some KittyCatS customers that list auctions. perhaps she can find one there for her cats.

again i'm so sorry for your friend's experience, and it's certainly not behavior i'd condone and i HOPE our customers treat those they meet who may participate with different cats with kindness and respect.

it's great there are many choices out there for the different tastes people have.

you're a good friend to share your concern about her! i hope she's ok!

all the best,

callie cline

Thank you for your feedback Ms Cline. I havent seen my friend online for the past days since it happened. And I am also hoping she's ok. I will definitely recommend this site once i get the chance to talk to her.

The only reason why I gathered my strength to write this one, is because i also tried to research about the auction, and indeed found out it was for breedable cats. It never specified any particular breed like they do on their previous auctions when they send out notices. And I also know that place encourages and welcomes all types of breedablesIdea. With that in mind, guests should at least act with a little decency to other breedables even if its not the type they want.
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05-12-2011, 01:04 AM
Post: #7
RE: A Kitten's Cry
Well those people's attitude is totally awful and insulting. I've got to say that I saw pretty much reactions of people who breed other kinds of cats in second life and I often saw a lot of jealousy to kittycats. I think that Kittycats are quite new on the breedable cats market and without wanting to belittle the other ones, the care put into those cats, in their build, in the scripting, is so amazing that it can bring some people to jealousy... Also seeing the success of those cats is prolly something that some won't appreciate.
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 Thanks given by: xylvr lyter
07-03-2011, 03:10 PM
Post: #8
RE: A Kitten's Cry
It really is sad when grown-up people act like kinder gardeners, it is very sad that your friend and many others have to go through experiences like that. As I always say "to each their own" and really no one has the right to put down our preferences.

I also think that hanging around people with same preferences/views on this subject is the best way to deal with the haters. Not all of us have thick skin, so hopefully your friend is OK and enjoying her Kitties to the fullest!

~ Crazy KittyCatS Lady ~ [Image: 90d1069cbdd47f8c22522092aa917135.gif]
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