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New - Retired Traits for sale & Unique Trait combos - PawZ stall
06-16-2021, 09:07 AM
Post: #1
New - Retired Traits for sale & Unique Trait combos - PawZ stall
Hi all,

Put out a few new boxes for you to see at my PawZ stall:

Some retired fur - add some new traits to your cattery while using one my these babies to breed with another same fur 9T pure...just a suggestion.

Same fur breeding pairs that you can buy together.

A few sized kitties to see <3 ((the bigger de big is so beautiful!!))

Some scary eyed kitties lol

Retired fur
serendipity streams
morning glory
destiny skyline
galaxy star
galaxy orbit
midnight sky
butterscotched tip

Thanks for your time and let me know if you stopped by in a PM <3 love to chat kittycats.


The Catbird Seat ~ Happily breeding since November 2013.
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 Thanks given by: Jelly Supply
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