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Saga Dominance Charts Updates Oct 24-2017
06-16-2017, 12:47 PM
Post: #21
RE: SagaCharts Projects June 16-2017
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
June 16: Ocean Mist recessive to Opaline

~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
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Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
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06-20-2017, 01:57 PM
Post: #22
RE: Saga Dominance Charts Updates June 20-2017
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
June 20: Genesis Smokey IV recessive to Genesis Flame III
June 20: Swanky Lite 2nd Independent proof it is most recessive whisker shape

~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
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Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
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07-06-2017, 02:15 PM
Post: #23
RE: Saga Dominance Charts Updates July 6-2017
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
June 27: Genesis 2017 furs in order: Ginger II > Mocha II > Pearl II > Patch II > Bandit II
June 29: Genesis Flame IV recessive to Genesis Smokey II
July 6: Genesis Pearl dominant to Genesis Flame V
July 6: Genesis Smokey IV recessive to Flame II
July 6: Ocean Mist PLACED dominant to Galaxy Burst
July 6: Mountain Mist PLACED recessive to Dry Olive

~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
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Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
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07-06-2017, 06:38 PM
Post: #24
RE: Saga Dominance Charts Updates July 6-2017
Thanks for the updates hun <3

[Image: Kittylicious-19.png]
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LazyCatS Market Co-Owner

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 Thanks given by: Brunabug Nightfire
07-19-2017, 07:23 PM
Post: #25
RE: Saga Dominance Charts Updates July 19-2017
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
July 7: Genesis Pearl dominant to Domino IV
July 19: Burmilla - Lilac Shaded NEW MOST RECESSIVE FUR- PLACED recessive to Toyger - Caramel *NEED 2nd Independent Proof to confirm it is the most recessive fur.

~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
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Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
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07-23-2017, 05:20 PM
Post: #26
RE: Saga Dominance Charts Updates July 23-2017
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
July 22: Genesis Domino IV recessive to Genesis Smokey III
July 22: Genesis Domino IV PLACED recessive to Genesis Domino III
July 23: Genesis Diamond IV recessive to Genesis Smokey II

~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
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Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
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07-27-2017, 02:07 PM
Post: #27
RE: Saga Dominance Charts Updates July 27-2017
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
July 27: Genesis Coco V dominant to Genesis Flame IV
July 27: Genesis Flame IV recessive to Genesis Flame II

~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
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Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
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07-28-2017, 01:40 PM
Post: #28
RE: Saga Dominance Charts Updates July 28-2017
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
July 28: Genesis Coco V dominant to Diamond IV
July 28: Genesis Diamond IV dominant to Diamond V
July 28: Genesis Coco V dominant to Smokey IV
July 28: Genesis Smokey V dominant Genesis Smokey IV
July 28: Genesis Bandit II dominant to Genesis Ginger

~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
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Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
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08-04-2017, 03:17 PM
Post: #29
RE: Saga Dominance Charts Updates Aug 4-2017
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Aug 4: Tufted Ears PLACED recessive to Equine *See Notes
Aug 4: Genesis Smokey V recessive Genesis Smokey II

~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
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Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
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08-12-2017, 10:28 AM
Post: #30
RE: Saga Dominance Charts Updates Aug 12-2017
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Aug 12: Chocolate Tipped Flame 2nd Independent Proof received
Aug 12: Tufted Ear 2nd Independent Proof received
Aug 12: Genesis Ginger II dominant to Genesis Mocha
Aug 12: Tonkinese - Lilac Tortie dom to BurmChocoSilShade
Aug 12: Tonkinese - Lilac Tortie rec to Tonkinese - Blue Mink

~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
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Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
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