Another proof, but it's a 2-charter. One of them depends on the other because it shows a cat's hidden. It pertains to lining up generation 7 with generation 6. I don't yet have proof that the gen 7s stack on top of the 6s, but this proof puts another gen 7 high up on the charts. We already have a proof that Patch 2 is dominant to Patch1, which places Patch2. So far it is the only one of the Gen 7 furs to be formally placed. Here we are working with a proof/cat that shows that Patch2 is dominant to Pearl 1 (which is also true).
Petrus is a Patch2. You can't actually see on this pedigree from his parents what his hidden is (though you could if I were to show you his pedigree the next generation up). But anyway, when Petrus is mated with Pancake Princess, a bali cream which is certainly more recessive than anything genesis, it pulls Petrus's hidden which is a pearl 1. Therefore Petrus's hidden must be Pearl 1 since it can't come from Pancake, and therefore Patch 2 can hide Pearl 1/is dominant to Pearl 1.
The next proof relies on you already knowing that Petrus is hiding Pearl 1.
2d Proof: Mocha2 is Dominant to Pearl1.
Here we have a Petrus offspring. Petrus (Patch2 hiding Pearl 1) mates with Puccicat (Mocha2 showing). The offspring shows Mocha 2. This offspring could be hiding EITHER Patch2 OR Pearl1, but it has to be one of those furs. So this Mocha 2 kitten could place Mocha 2 as high on the chart as above Patch2, but at very least Mocha2 must be dominant to Pearl1.
Either this kitten or a sibling (already of breeding age) may be able to give us direct information about Mocha 2 being dominant to Patch 2. If I were placing bets, I'd say yes it is, but we don't have proof yet.