
Saga Dominance Charts Updates Oct 24-2017
02-06-2017, 11:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-24-2017 10:12 AM by Brunabug Nightfire.)
Saga Dominance Charts Updates Oct 24-2017
Updated October 24, 2017
Scroll down to see list of most recent updates in this first post.
SAGA Charts LINK to see all the SAGA Charts -Furs, Eyes, and Other Traits. There is also a folder with FAQ.
Proofs that are currently needed are the following:
- Destiny Rivers PLACED AS OF 10/24
- Surprise Sparkle
- Destiny Skyline
- Destiny Waters - PLACED recessive to Soul Whisper NEW MOST RECESSIVE as of 10/9/2017.
Please send in a 2nd Proof that is independent from the first one posted in the forums, to confirm that this eye is MOST recessive.
- Genesis Furs *placement of all Genesis furs in relationship of each generation. I will add the link and link to a forum post with several breeders working on this project. 7 years of KittyCats Genesis furs need to be put into order. 
List of the last few Genesis furs needing placement are:
- Genesis - Bandit II
- Genesis - Coco V
- Genesis - Diamond IV
- Genesis - Flame IV
- Genesis - Smokey V
- Genesis - Diamond V
- Burmilla - Lilac Shaded - PLACED * NEW MOST RECESSIVE FUR as of 7/19/2017 ---- NEED 2nd Independent Proof
None at this time
All are welcome to apply for free prims and free kibble to help place traits still left on the Dominance Charts.
Grab an application and drop it into the green box near the landing point of the SAGACharts Projects location. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/At...37/57/2501
**** We currently are in NEED of donations for Kibble!
If you are interested in helping with this please contact Brunabug Nightfire in world with a Notecard.
SAGACharts and SAGAProjects have been updated
Feb 10: Galaxy Orbit PLACED dominant to Mercury
Feb 10: Galaxy Comet PLACED dominant to Mercury & G.Orbit
Feb 10: Galaxy Nebula dominant to Mercury & G. Comet
Feb 10: Foxie - Chestnut dominant to Australian Mist - Blue Marble
Feb 10: Equine Ears PLACED recessive to Scotty Fold #1 Proof
SAGACharts have been updated
Feb 13: Abyssinian Ruddy RETIRED
Feb 13: 18-carat Gold RETIRED
Feb 13: Grape Ice RETIRED
Feb 13: Frazzled Whiskers RETIRED
Feb 14: Australian Mist - Charcoal recessive to BurmChocSilvShad
SAGACharts and SAGAProjectsList updated
Feb 16: SuperPosh Tail PLACED recessive to Lush *SEE NOTES We NEED 2nd Independent Proof to CONFIRM NEW MOST RECESSIVE TAIL
Feb 16: Odyssey Galactic recessive to Galaxy Orbit
Feb 16: Toyger - Tan recessive to Australian Mist - Lilac Marble
SAGACharts and SAGAProjectsList updated
Feb 27: Odyssey Galactic PLACED dominant to Mercury
Feb 27: Galaxy Nebula recessive to Sparkle Dream
Feb 27: NEW FUR discovered - Toyger Silver
SAGACharts and SAGAProjectsList updated
Forgot to mention confetti fur from
Feb 23: OrangeBerry recessive to PlumBerry
and Soul Sparkle eyes
Mar 2: Soul Sparkle recessive to Sunset
Mar 6: Sporty Tail PLACED dominate to Wild Tail
Mar 6: Australian Mist - Charcoal PLACED dominate to Toyger - Caramel
Mar 6: Burmilla - Blue Shaded PLACED dominate Foxie Cocoa Cream
Mar 6: NEW EYE discovered - Mountain Mist
Mar 6: NEW Whisker Color discovered Chocolate Tipped Flamed colored whiskers
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Mar 13: Toyger - Tan PLACED dominate to Siamese - Lilac
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Mar 16: Soul Sparkle recessive to Malachite
New Eyes
Mountain Mist-possible Dominant to Galaxy Star per forum post
Ocean Mist- looks to be falling between Ex. Journey and Galaxy Star
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Mar 24: Galaxy Nebula PLACED recessive to Odyssey Adore
Mar 24: SuperPosh Tail - 2nd Proof MOST RECESSIVE TAIL
Mar 24: Chocolate Tipped Flamed whiskers recessive to Flame
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Mar 26: Mountain Mist recessive to Odyssey Bellini
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Mar 27: Swanky Light PLACED recessive to Double Dreamy * See Notes
Swanky Light Whiskers recessive to Double Dreamy * Most Recessive Whisker shape as of 3/27/2017 * Need 2nd Independent proof to confirm!
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
April 7: Foxie Chestnut PLACED dominant to Tonkinese Blue Point
April 10: Confetti Furs Tab Added to Bottom- Confetti Furs order confirmed
Apr 11: Soul Sparkle PLACED recessive to Odyssey Burst
Apr 11: Ocean Mist recessive to Exotic Journey
April 12: Genesis Coco IV dominant to Genesis Diamond III
April 13: Toyger - Silver recessive Tonkinese - Natural Mink
Apr 13: Chocolate Tipped Flame PLACED recessive to ChocoTipped *NEED 2nd Independent proof to confirm.
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Apr 15: Mountain Mist dominant to Exotic Journey
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
May 1: OdyCognacWine PLACED recessive to OdyCognacMoon
May 1: Genesis Diamond III dominant to Genesis Coco V
May 7: Genesis Odyssey 2 dominant to Genesis Earth *SEE NOTES
May 22: Toyger - Silver dominant to Burmilla- Chocolate Silver Shaded
June 6: Retired Furs: Bengal Sorrell, American Shorthair Cream & White Tabby, Balinese Flame Lynx
June 6: Retired Eyes: Canary, Changing Leaf, Mint Julep, Ody Crystal Rose
June 9: Toyger - Silver recessive to Australian - Blue Marble
June 9: Toyger - Silver PLACED dominant to Tonkinese - Blue Mink
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Forgot to add this Genesis fur placement in last post.
June 6: Genesis Coco IV PLACED recessive to Genesis Coco III
June 13: Genesis Pearl dominant Genesis Coco V
June 13: Genesis Diamond IV recessive to Smokey III
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
June 16: Ocean Mist recessive to Opaline
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
June 20: Genesis Smokey IV recessive to Genesis Flame III
June 20: Swanky Lite 2nd Independent proof it is most recessive whisker shape
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
June 27: Genesis 2017 furs in order: Ginger II > Mocha II > Pearl II > Patch II > Bandit II
June 29: Genesis Flame IV recessive to Genesis Smokey II
July 6: Genesis Pearl dominant to Genesis Flame V
July 6: Genesis Smokey IV recessive to Flame II
July 6: Confirmed: Gen Domino recessive to Gen Domino II
July 6: Ocean Mist PLACED dominant to Galaxy Burst
July 6: Mountain Mist PLACED recessive to Dry Olive
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
July 7: Genesis Pearl dominant to Domino IV
July 19: Burmilla - Lilac Shaded NEW MOST RECESSIVE FUR- PLACED recessive to Toyger - Caramel *NEED 2nd Independent Proof to confirm it is the most recessive fur.
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
July 22: Genesis Domino IV recessive to Genesis Smokey III
July 22: Genesis Domino IV PLACED recessive to Genesis Domino III
July 23: Genesis Diamond IV recessive to Genesis Smokey II
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
July 27: Genesis Coco V dominant to Genesis Flame IV
July 27: Genesis Flame IV recessive to Genesis Flame II
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
July 28: Genesis Coco V dominant to Diamond IV
July 28: Genesis Diamond IV dominant to Diamond V
July 28: Genesis Coco V dominant to Smokey IV
July 28: Genesis Smokey V dominant Genesis Smokey IV
July 28: Genesis Bandit II dominant to Genesis Ginger
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Aug 4: Tufted Ears PLACED recessive to Equine *See Notes
Aug 4: Genesis Smokey V recessive Genesis Smokey II
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Aug 12: Chocolate Tipped Flame 2nd Independent Proof received
Aug 12: Tufted Ear 2nd Independent Proof received
Aug 12: Genesis Ginger II dominant to Genesis Mocha
Aug 12: Tonkinese - Lilac Tortie dom to BurmChocoSilShade
Aug 12: Tonkinese - Lilac Tortie rec to Tonkinese - Blue Mink
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Aug 15: Destiny Rivers recessive to Odyssey Bellini
Aug 15: Destiny Rivers dominant to Dry Olive
Aug 15: Destiny Skyline dominant to Soul Whisper
Aug 15: Destiny Skyline recessive to Exotic Journey
Aug 15: Surprise Sparkle recessive to Odyssey Bellini
*Added Uber Odyssey (Ltd. Ed.) - NEW EYE at bottom of chart
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Aug 16: Uber Odyssey recessive to Exotic Journey
Aug 16: Uber Odyssey dominant to Soul Whisper
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Aug 17: Bengal - Blue recessive to BurmChocoSilShade *TYPO SHOULD BE: Bengal - Blue dominant to BurmChocoSilShade *Sorry for any confusion.
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Aug 20: Genesis Smokey IV recessive to Genesis Coco
Aug 20: Genesis Smokey IV dominant to Genesis Flame
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Sept 19: Genesis Ginger dominant to Genesis Domino V
Sept 19: Genesis Smokey IV PLACED dominant Genesis Smokey
Sept 19: Genesis Flame V PLACED recessive to Genesis Flame
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Sept 20: Genesis Coco V recessive to Genesis Domino IV
Sept 20: Genesis Flame IV recessive to Genesis Domino II
Sept 21: Genesis Diamond V dominant to Genesis Smokey IV
Sept 21: Genesis Diamond V recessive to Genesis Coco II
Sept 26: Tonkinese - Lilac Tortie PLACED dom to Burmilla - RedSilShad
Sept 26: Uber Odyssey recessive to Galaxy Burst
Sept 27: Uber Odyssey PLACED dominant to Galaxy Star
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Oct 6: Genesis Diamond V recessive Genesis Flame IV
Oct 6: Genesis Coco V recessive to Genesis Flame III
Oct 6: Genesis Smokey V recessive to Genesis Coco II
Oct 6: Genesis Smokey V dominant to Genesis Flame IV
Oct 6: Bangal - Blue PLACED recessive to BurmilRedSilShad
Oct 6: Destiny Rivers dominant to Onyx
Oct 6: Surprise Sparkle dominant to Exotic Journey
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Oct 9: Destiny Waters PLACED rec to Soul Whisper- NEW Most Recessive eye.
Please send in a 2nd Proof that is independent from the one posted in the forums. Thanks!
SAGA Dominance Charts Updated
Oct 17: Destiny Rivers recessive to Grotto
Oct 24: RETIRED: Ex.Breeze, Ice Crystal, Morning Glory, Ody Wonder
Oct 24: Destiny Rivers PLACED dominant to Exotic Breeze
Oct 24: RETIRED: Snowshoe - Red, Pandie - Brown & White, Ocicat - Tawny, Burmese - Platinum
Thank you to all who share their pedigrees on the forums, and sending me either Notecards with their proofs or an IM that they posted in the forums. It helps me to locate information to update the SAGA Charts. I appreciate those who have helped me out with keeping them up to date.
SAGA Charts LINK to see all the SAGA Charts -Furs, Eyes, and Other Traits. There is also a folder with FAQ.
~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
Direct link to SAGA Dominance Charts folder
Direct link to SAGA FAQ
Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
02-07-2017, 12:01 PM
RE: SagaCharts Projects 2/6/2017
Thanks Bree. And I think the new way of organizing the project charts makes things very clear about who is working what (and how many people are working it that we know of).
One thing to point out is that we know that there are other breeders who aren't working at Saga (I'm looking at you Arwen  ) who we know are working on traits and report back to this forum regularly. One reason I'm not diving into Soul Sparkle testing is because I think a lot more testing is going on with that eye than shows up on that chart. For instance, I believe Arwen recently posted that she is doing soul sparkle versus sunset and also caramel, and perhaps a few more.
The Pawsable Traits Reference manager and a Chart keeper.
02-07-2017, 01:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-07-2017 01:14 PM by Arwen Swordthain.)
RE: SagaCharts Projects 2/6/2017
Guilty as charged, The sunset didn't yield any results before the sunset cat aged out. I have one breed left with the starter and a caramel before both age out but I have a Soul Sparkle boy growing up ready to carry on with more tests.
Also testing Galaxy Nebula v Mercury (1st baby was Nebula showing so is open for testing)
Galaxy Orbit v Starry Baby Blues (got SBB so open for testing)
Odyssey Galactic v Galaxy Comet, this pair both have the same mum and are confirmed Tap Reef hiders
I'll be swapping those cats around a bit based on results we all get.
For furs I have a Burmilla Blue v Pandie B&W I just realised is no longer needed so that one can go along with the Bali Cream test I was doing.
I have a Toyger Tan v Siamese Lilac set up as well but the lilac is only 2 days old so that ones got a bit to go yet.
I'll keep this thread updated with my projects to help you all out.
and if anyone wants to pop over for a look heres the SLurl to the platform the test cats are on http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kveer/128/70/2501
Forum Based Charts
KittyCats Discoveries & Retirements
02-07-2017, 02:28 PM
RE: SagaCharts Projects 2/6/2017
(02-07-2017 01:13 PM)Arwen Swordthain Wrote: Guilty as charged, The sunset didn't yield any results before the sunset cat aged out. I have one breed left with the starter and a caramel before both age out but I have a Soul Sparkle boy growing up ready to carry on with more tests.
My Foxies have Sunset eyes and like to pass them, so that's my next target for Soul Sparkle, unless the SS X Oceania test places Sunset outside the testing range.
Forum based dominance charts
Tad nailed it!
02-10-2017, 11:13 AM
RE: SagaCharts Projects 2/10/2017
bumping up- Updated on 2/10/2017
~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
Direct link to SAGA Dominance Charts folder
Direct link to SAGA FAQ
Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
02-14-2017, 09:36 AM
RE: SagaCharts Projects 2/10/2017
Bumping up - Updated on 2/14/2017
~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
Direct link to SAGA Dominance Charts folder
Direct link to SAGA FAQ
Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
Thanks given by: | |
02-16-2017, 11:20 AM
RE: SagaCharts Projects 2/16/2017
Bumping up - Updated on 2/16/2017
~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
Direct link to SAGA Dominance Charts folder
Direct link to SAGA FAQ
Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
Thanks given by: | |
02-27-2017, 08:39 AM
RE: SagaCharts Projects 2/27/2017
Bumping up - Updated on 2/27/2017
~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
Direct link to SAGA Dominance Charts folder
Direct link to SAGA FAQ
Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
Thanks given by: | |
03-02-2017, 05:30 PM
RE: SagaCharts Projects 2/27/2017
I'm still working on Foxie Chestnut, but have abandoned the Sould Sparkle tests, since other test results suggest that Oceania is dominant (and I have a LOT of Ocienia eyes from 1st and 2nd generation now)
Forum based dominance charts
Tad nailed it!
03-06-2017, 01:06 PM
RE: SagaCharts Projects 2/27/2017
(03-02-2017 05:30 PM)Reven Rosca Wrote: I'm still working on Foxie Chestnut, but have abandoned the Sould Sparkle tests, since other test results suggest that Oceania is dominant (and I have a LOT of Ocienia eyes from 1st and 2nd generation now)
Thanks for the update Reven. I missed that you posted this tell right now. I will update the SAGA projects list. Thanks again
And wanted to bump this post up to let you all know that the SAGA charts have been updated as of 3/6/2017
~ BreeAnn (Brunabug Nightfire)
Direct link to SAGA Dominance Charts folder
Direct link to SAGA FAQ
Feel free to pass Proofs to me - I will be sure to get them added to the To Do List for SAGA.
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