Don't know why I missed this thread when it was first made - I also second Malicia's suggestion. At the current cost, I simply refuse to pay for perma-pet potions.
I have some cats running around on pet-food, they cost me 75L/Month (If buying 20-pack food - otherwise 85) - if I perma-pet them, they cost me the same as food for 1 year and 8 months would do - in one go! -And that is the cheaper perma-potion, the 120+ one.
Heck, before 1 year and 8 months has passed, I have changed my mind on which cats I want to have running around, surely. It's only just a year ago I even started with KittyCatS, and I sure changed my mind a few times since then already ;-)
Take it at least below 1000L for perma-pets, and I'll be the first to stand in line. Until then, I am stubborn