Morning Kitty Madness! KittyCats! Number 1 Game Show Auction!
Featuring 14 Panels and Prizes!
Your Host Rayne Broome and his Lovely Assistant Navaar!
Next Gameshow is Sunday, October 24th, 2020
This week's Contestants
9T F Abyssinian - Black Silver with Starry Ocean Blues Eyes!
9T M Tiger! - Golden Ticket with Twilight Eyes!
SIBS Tiger! - Shadow with Soul Whisper Eyes!
8T M Russian - Black with Rock My World Eyes!
8T F Chateau Cat - 3 Spot No. 1 with Genesis Evergreen Eyes!
9T F Chateau Cat - Cocoa & White No. 2 with Dry Olive Eyes!
9T M American Shorthair - Silver Tabby with Odyssey Slush Eyes!
SIBS Toyger - Coal/Genesis Bandit with Exotic Seas Eyes!
8T M Bengal - Charcoal with Odyssey Rainbow Eyes!
SIBS M Tiger! - Dusky Plum with Twilight Eyes!
SIBS Burmese - Platinum with Marble Magic Eyes!
9T M Foxie - Chestnut with Pomegranate Eyes!
9T F Russian - White with Pomegranate Eyes!
Raffle Cat 69L to Enter
6T F Abyssinian - Dark Chocolate with Platinum Eyes!
For more detailed information about our line up you can check out our Torgon's !