Tiger Tiger Pair for sale!!!
I have a pair of Tiger Tiger's that are partners I am selling. They are 23 days old today. You can see their details below. Please contact me, Lia Lupindo, in world if you are interested. I really need to sell them and am willing to accept reasonable offers.
The Details:
1. ♂ Sunstone (male)
҉ 23 days ⚤♥ 41% ☻ 93% ↯ 34% 모☁ 0%
Partner: Jade
(8 days remaining - Automatically Repartnered)
Fur: Tiger! Tiger! Orange
Eyes: Orange Crystal (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Tiger Curl
Ears: Wild Tiger
Whiskers: Orange Tipped Black (Shape: Plush)
Size: 46 cm (18.1 inch)
Version: 1.59
Owner: Lia Lupindo
ID: d81aaeda-e4cb-0bb7-006a-38ad452fe227
Pedigree: https://kittycats.ws/p.php?41bca363-d328993-08141
MOM: starter
DAD: starter
2. ♀ Jade (female)
҉ 23 days ⚤♥ 41% ☻ 93% ↯ 34% 모☁ 0%
Partner: Sunstone
(8 days remaining - Automatically Repartnered)
Fur: Tiger! Tiger! Lime
Eyes: Lime Crystal (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Small)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Tiger Curl
Ears: Wild Tiger
Whiskers: Lime Tipped Black (Shape: Plush)
Size: 45 cm (17.7 inch)
Version: 1.59
Owner: Lia Lupindo
ID: 39707d4b-b28a-9e84-7e1c-fa853710297b
Pedigree: https://kittycats.ws/p.php?e88c6b05-3330549-08187
MOM: starter
DAD: starter