Updated the sale area today , all prices have been slashed and are more appropriate for the current market values.
cats in the sale section start at 150L and the highest prices are only around 1200L.
So if you are seeking a kitty int hat price range this might be the sale for you. Some do have 8 and 9 traits, most have new traits from this last season of breeding starters, some old stand by recessives and a few hard to find.
Chocolate tipped, galaxy burst, galaxy trip,soul sparkle, galaxy star, lush tail, lush whiskers, wavy tails, pixie point ears, burmilla blue, toyger tan and to much more to list here. So stop by and check it out you might find just what you needed for your project.
If a cat is not marked and has less then 9 traits, make me an offer i just might bite
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