New kittens on Pedigree page?
I have noticed that sometime within the last few weeks, my new kittens that are still boxed (that I have not turned into an image yet) have stopped appearing at the top of my Pedigree page. Previously, I could hit "Pedigree" and there would be however many kittens I had, listed right at the top of the page. This was because they did not have a name yet, since I had not turned them into an image so they were not yet called "New Born Kitten". And so they did not get listed down with the hundreds of other kittens in the names that begin with "N". I found it very useful and a quick way to see if I had any new kittens while I was at work or otherwise- especially on my phone. These new kitten boxes seem now to be listed with the others called "New Born Kitten", even before they have been clicked to be turned into an image. I am lucky to have the prims to keep all of my live cats in world (and so don't use the cattery for my live cats or their kittens until I put them there). I know I can get this info from the HUB and flipping to my sim name, then looking at the born on dates, but this is tedious to do- from a phone especially. I am hoping it is something I did to "break" this, and can be easily resolved. Otherwise, I would LOVE if somehow this was an option to be brought back to the pedigree page.
(Unfortunately, I don't have a pic or gyazo to show you exactly what I am talking about, so I hope this makes sense!)
Fingers crossed for an easy fix! Thanks!