
11-26-2014, 01:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2014 01:41 AM by Keerla Resident.)
Need advice
Hello all, I'm looking for some advice on how to best breed this kitty from my Halloween pair. I'm a bit lost so any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated. I think either one or both could be hiding whiskers, but not too sure.
Thanks in advance!
It's the offspring of my Monster Mash pair, so both starters.
Fur: Chateau Cat - Black & White No. 3
Eyes: Fire (Curious|Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Bent Boo Boo
Ears: Curious
Whiskers: White (Dreamy)
Size: Normal
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11-26-2014, 05:43 AM
RE: Need advice
Hi, Keerla. The best way to find which kitty is hiding the Dreamy whiskers is to separate them. Try to pair both with two other Dreamy whiskers kitties. I hope that helps. Good luck.
Crepe Myrtle
Rawr! Kitty Owner
11-27-2014, 08:32 AM
RE: Need advice
One or both kitties have dreamy whiskers hidden, so if you find matching well traited cats for each parent, preferably with dreamy whiskers, you can find out which of parents is the hider.
It's always the best to breed starters with 7-9T cats.
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11-27-2014, 10:19 AM
RE: Need advice
I like the "dreamy" baby, the chateau black and white offspring, enough that I would consider unpacking it and putting it with an odyssey FrazzyWave partner, to see if it comes back with frazzywave whiskers. It could be tricky to find a really well-traited partner answering that description since the trait is still new, but I have seen really good ones at auctions already ...
The kitten box "Dreamy" is an incredibly good result to come from the pairing of two starters! so ... I'd be excited about unpacking that one and giving it the royal partner treatment ...
If nothing happens after a while, and they start approaching old age, maybe pair "Dreamy" with her father once or twice and see if another whisker comes out. (If the hidden whisker of one parent is more recessive than dreamy, you might have to do backbreeding or sibling breeding to identify it. The sibling pair need not be a product of both starters.)
And definitely I agree with Crepe and Olgita about separating the monster mashies to see what they've got. You already know that they both hide "dreamy or better" whiskers -- so if there's an "or better," it's either Ody frazzywave or a new unknown more recessive one -- so much fun to find out!
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11-27-2014, 11:00 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2014 11:30 AM by Tad Carlucci.)
RE: Need advice
The logic is this:
You received a box showing Dreamy from two starters showing generic whiskers. This proves one parent hides exactly Dreamy and the other either hides Dreamy as well, or hides something more recessive than Dreamy (that is, Ody Frazzywave)
The odds of these parents producing Dreamy are 1-in-4.
You several options:
Open the box. While waiting a week for a partner, re-pair the parents. You'll have 1-in-4 odds of obtaining another Dreamy offspring, and 1-in-8 odds it will be the opposite gender of your box. Next week, pair the box to the parent for 1-in-2 odds of another Dreamy. This will get you there cheapest, but takes longer.
Open the box. While waiting a week for a partner, obtain two more Dreamy or Ody FW and pair them with the parents. This gives you two chances for another Dreamy (and, possibly, an Ody FW). Your odds are now 1-in-2, with two samples (instead of 1-in-4 with 1 sample). Next week get another Dreamy or Ody FW. Next week, pair you box either with a parent or with that other. This will get there faster, but costs more.
Don't open the box. Choose one of the two above options.
Same as above but with more dominant whisker shapes. This is even slower, but can avoid the need to purchase more cats, so can be cheaper.
Since your question is about ONLY Dreamy, you don't care about trait counts. 1-trait (Dreamy) will do. The reason for using 8 or 9 trait partners is to increase your odds of NOT-Whisker-Shape traits appearing. Which, of course, is good, but off topic.
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12-03-2014, 06:43 PM
RE: Need advice
If I choose not to breed my male kitties, why can't I do this?..........I just lost one that went all red on me saying to delete him....... this is not fair.....every day I come on line........love them, pet them feed them.play with them hold and cuddle them....so why was my cat taken away from me ?, because I didn't want to mate them?..........is this the system?......just like in the real world.....have them for profit only , not for love and companionship?.........will you take them all away?...Very upset over this entire system.........hurt beyond understanding!............EllieMender20
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12-03-2014, 07:53 PM
RE: Need advice
(12-03-2014 06:43 PM)EllieMender20 Resident Wrote: If I choose not to breed my male kitties, why can't I do this?..........I just lost one that went all red on me saying to delete him....... this is not fair.....every day I come on line........love them, pet them feed them.play with them hold and cuddle them....so why was my cat taken away from me ?, because I didn't want to mate them?..........is this the system?......just like in the real world.....have them for profit only , not for love and companionship?.........will you take them all away?...Very upset over this entire system.........hurt beyond understanding!............EllieMender20
No one is punishing you for not breeding your kitty, nor have you lost your kitty. All that has happened is he has a script error and this can easily be fixed. This kind of thing happens in SL from time to time, especially with region restarts and LL carrying out maintenance. All you need to do is file a ticket so that the support team can get it sorted out for you.
You file a ticket by clicking on the support tab here at the Kittycats website. You will need your kitty's ID# which you should be able to get by clicking on him or by going into your pedigree tab, finding him and then opening his pedigree page. If he's not showing up on your pedigree page then get in contact with a CSR (use the Kittycats Group or try going to the main store) and they will tell you what to do next.
Make sure when you go to file your ticket that you click on "submit" at the bottom of the page. I just had this exact same thing happen a couple of days ago; I filed a ticket and got a repaired kitty back the very next day.
12-03-2014, 09:13 PM
RE: Need advice
Hello Keerla
I'd go for Vrem's suggestion the fact this kitten shows Dreamy Whiskers right away from two Starter parents is a very rare event.
I'd like to know as well what the other cat hides: Dreamy or better and which of both Monsters that is is also something I'd like to know.
So if you can effort the space and money for 9T kitties with at least Dreamy Whiskers to breed the Monsters with I would do that as well.
They gave a non Genesis fur right away as well so this can become interesting
Good luck! :-)
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