(03-27-2013 09:50 PM)Ace243 Datura Wrote: KittyCats Auction w/ Ace Friday 3Pm Panels Available
last auction was a blast,lots of amazing breeders and kittys ; ) Panels are Available for Friday 3Pm SLT @ Too Adorable
?{Line Up So Far}?
?9T-Bengal Tawny,Pft Platinum,Porcelain,Fussy,BigBooBoo,2Tone (Mysterious) {Hdng Plush Wskrs+}
?{Sibling Breeding Pair Hdng FLASH+}?
? 7T-Chat Cocoa&Wht No 2,OdyRainbow (Small),Glitter,T-Myserious,E-Curious,W-(Mys)
? 8T-Chat Cream&Wht No1,OdyRainbow (Small),Glitter,T-BooBoo,E-Curious,White (Mys)
{hdng White Russian,Eye Shape(Myserious),FLASH,T-Curious,E-Myst,White}
~*?Raffle Kitty?*~ Up Now you may enter at anytime,you do not have to be there to win,and it's only 99L to enter,the more you enter the better your chances are ; )
Fur: Abyssinian - Fawn
Eyes: Rainbow Prism (Mysterious|Small)
Ears: Rounded
{Hiding Bali Flame,OdyBooBoo White+}
?Kittys added to the line up? a few panels are left?
?9T-Bengal Tawny,Pft Platinum,Porcelain,Fussy,BigBooBoo,2Tone (Mysterious) {Hdng Plush Wskrs+}
?{Sibling Breeding Pair Hdng FLASH+}?
? 7T-Chat Cocoa&Wht No 2,OdyRainbow (Small),Glitter,T-Myserious,E-Curious,W-(Mys)
? 8T-Chat Cream&Wht No1,OdyRainbow (Small),Glitter,T-BooBoo,E-Curious,White (Mys)
{hdng White Russian,Eye Shape(Myserious),FLASH,T-Curious,E-Myst,White}
?6T-Abyssinian Black Silver,Canary (Mysterious),Illume,White Curious {Hdng Tapestry Royale (small),Glitter,T-BooBoo,E-Mys,W-Black}
?7T- Bali Cream,Pft Azure,Flair,T-Mysterious,W-Mysterious {hdng BlueBerry,T-Curious?Fussy,E-Ody1?/OdyBooBoo,White Frazzled+}
?7T-Foxie Blondie,Pft Canary,{Hdng Bali Seal,Fancie Blue Diamond,Illume,Rounded,Black Curious+}
?6T-Ocicat Tawny,Ody Bellini (small),E-Ody 2,White (Mysterious) {hdng Bali Lilac,Illume}
?8T-Russian White Pft Double DipF,Illume{Hdng Bali Lilac,Porcelain,Black Plush+}