WOOT! It is once again time for the Friday night auction with Karizmah.
It time to get down to business folks, and we have got the fire on panel for you tonight! There are some absolute stunners up on panel tonight, and they have been brought to us by some of the very best breeders in the game.
Tonights Cats are: (In Order)
1. ? Ocicat Choco. - Gerbera Orange Myst./ Stubby/ Rounded/ White Whisker
2. ? Bengal Charcoal - Twinkle/ Boo Boo/ Curious/ Blonde Streaked
3. ? Snowshoe Choco. - Shamrock Small/ Glitter/ Myst./ Myst./ White-Myst.
A. ? Siamese Choco. - Gerbera Blue Full/ Glitter/ Myst./ Myst./ White-Myst.
4. ? Siamese Flame - R. Prism Myst./ Flair/ Plush/ Myst./ 2Tone-Myst.
5. ? Balinese Choco. - Apple Full/ Illume/ Myst. Ear/ White Whisker
6. ? Balinese Lilac - Mercury Full/ Myst./ Curious/ White-Myst.
7. ? Siamese Choco. - R. Prism Small/ Shorty/ Ody. 1/ Myst. Whisker (Teacup!)
8. ? Russian Black - Canary/ Illume/ Frisky/ Curious/ 2Tone-Frazzled
9. ? Snowshoe Red - R. Prism Small/ Glitter/ Myst./ White-Myst.
C. ? Russian Black - Ody Dream Full/ Porcelain/ Curious/ Softfold/ White-Myst.
Drop by and have a look, make up your must have list, and then join us tonight at 6PMslt for what is sure to be an awsome time!
I look forward to seeing each and every one of you lovely folks tonight!
Raffle Cat:
? Poco Dolce
Fur: Balinese - Chocolate Lynx
Eyes: Beach Blue (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Stubby
Ears: Rounded
Whiskers: 2 Tone Black & White (Shape: Guitar)