LOTS of reductions on boxed kittens this week (seriously, just walk through the doors and check them out..yikes!)
Also, some really nice lives in stock with traits such as:
• Rainbow Prism eyes
• Caramel eyes
• Odyssey ears and eyes!
Some quality lives at 100% ready for bonky-bonky action too!
Some boxed kitties with fabulous traits including..BAROQUE BABY PARENTAGE!
(Yes, I know I should keep these and hatch them in case I get a Foxie but you know, kitties to feed, dresses to buy AND world domination to plot!)
Oh, and don’t forget sale items AND a raffle box as well! Oh the excitement!!
So, get moving to ‘The Kittycats Arcade’ before they’re gone and you spend the rest of your life regretting it. Honest.
Click HERE to get to the good stuff!! OM NOM NOM!