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New Fur!? - Tiger! - Dusky Winkle
02-07-2020, 10:15 AM
Post: #21
RE: New Fur!? - Tiger! - Dusky Winkle
Posting for Evely

Dominant to Foxie - Snow

[Image: 1409559e6110038bcd1834bf98f57e67.png]

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 Thanks given by: Songdog Woolley , Julinah Resident , Eleanor8 Resident
03-13-2020, 08:35 AM
Post: #22
RE: New Fur!? - Tiger! - Dusky Winkle
Dominant to Burmilla - Chocolate Silver Shaded

[Image: 3ece00f7ff5ac90b8d26ddfcb0f57924.png]

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 Thanks given by: Ivy Norsk , Songdog Woolley , Eleanor8 Resident
03-30-2020, 12:37 AM
Post: #23
RE: New Fur!? - Tiger! - Dusky Winkle
Tiger! - Dusky Winkle is recessive to Tonkinese - Natural Mink

[Image: d43bf7ca501f589683b948dda494287f.png]

[Image: 748a536467f8d0bb8ed6e20f88321951.png]

Heart Eleanor
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 Thanks given by: Ivy Norsk , Songdog Woolley , ShannonSpoonhunter Resident
04-18-2020, 04:54 AM
Post: #24
RE: New Fur!? - Tiger! - Dusky Winkle
Got this today, Yrissa has some Burmilla - Chocolate Silver shaded way back so am checking hid, upside is that since I want the hid I'm more likely to get the Winkle, Lambart has only passed Winkle twice in 6 boxes Big Grin

[Image: 50c5b9114df73441a388dac3ec20ec02.png]

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 Thanks given by: Eleanor8 Resident
05-11-2020, 08:28 PM
Post: #25
RE: New Fur!? - Tiger! - Dusky Winkle
Tiger! - Dusky Winkle is dominant to Tonkinese - Blue Mink

[Image: ce9705600aad58521e4a804280f457e7.png]

Heart Eleanor
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 Thanks given by: Songdog Woolley , Arwen Swordthain
06-22-2020, 08:48 AM
Post: #26
RE: New Fur!? - Tiger! - Dusky Winkle
Tiger! - Dusky Winkle is recessive to Tiger! - Golden Ticket.

Which I think places it between Tiger! - Golden Ticket and Tonkinese - Blue Mink.

[Image: 67616c4cffd87f7cee545483f36e7a00.png]

Heart Eleanor
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 Thanks given by: Songdog Woolley
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