Linden Labs probably can't help either. Most likely, as was stated earlier, the 'lost' items are in inventory. Start by looking in Lost And Found. If not there, the item should be in your inventory in the folder it was in when placed in-world (which probably means Objects, which, if you're like most people, is synonymous with 'lost forever beyond the event horizon of a Black Hole').
Many times, the object is there but not under the name you expect because it's coalesced with other objects. This happens, for example, when your objects are returned by the land owner. These objects have an icon of several small boxes (as opposed to the single, larger box, of normal, single objects). When this occurs, you need to place the group of objects back in world to see, and pick up, each object. This can be a problem if the object is too large for the current parcel, or would extend over the boundary from the point at which you're attempting to place it; either try another location or a larger parcel.