Hi there I'm a new kitty owner and I'm just trying to figure it all out. I'm not looking to breed or anything like that, just wanting to keep my Kitty as a nice happy house pet whom is well cared for and loved and once I get that all down then maybe I will later look into a brother/sister for my kitty or perhaps even go into breeding somewhere down the line. But for right now I'm just looking to learn the basics.
Right now I have out the starter food and I've already gotten a 2 month supply of food ready for when that runs out. Also got my kitty a little bed basket, in which I'm not really sure it will even be used being that it isn't interactive. I noticed that my kitty has 0% love in which I'm not sure how to improve that or if it even matters right now. I thought about getting her the flower scratch thingy but I think I'll wait to see how things progress along the way over the next few days.
Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a bunch!!