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The ABC of KittyCatS
09-22-2017, 03:32 AM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2017 03:43 AM by Maxwell Grantly.)
Post: #1
Photo The ABC of KittyCatS
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4435]

KittyCatS is holding its first ever cat show in Second Life. The theme for the cat show is 'The ABC of KittyCatS.' Why not teleport over to the main KittyCatS sim, during the forthcoming weekend, to have a look around. The displays are just by the main landing area.

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 Thanks given by: Ellen Ireland , Ivy Norsk , HikariItsumo Resident , Sneak Whisperwind , Devilness Chant , DarkenedCharli Resident
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