
Partner to care for Kittycats
02-18-2016, 02:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-18-2016 03:01 PM by ninani Nastula.)
Partner to care for Kittycats
There are many people that have unavoidable reasons to have to leave SL for days to weeks at a time. It would really be awesome if they could delegate, through an option on the kittycats menu, one person to care for their kitty while they are gone. Also maybe the starter foods can be shared with the caretaker's cats as well. More or less for couples that both own cats.
Thank you,
Ninani Nastula
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02-18-2016, 02:54 PM
RE: Partner to care for Kittycats
They can set food out for the cat. Milk as well. They just have to rez food and milk near your cat, and set it to group. Idealy, your cat will be rezzed in the same group as the food. Otherwise, they would have to use "all cats".
(02-18-2016 02:49 PM)ninani Nastula Wrote: There are many people that have unavoidable reasons to have to leave SL for days to weeks at a time. It would really be awesome if they could delegate, through an option on the kittycats menu, one person to care for their kitty while they are gone.
Thank you,
Ninani Nastula
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02-18-2016, 03:24 PM
RE: Partner to care for Kittycats
Be sure to use a private group.
If your partner sets out food or milk, set to group, on a marketing sim, where a LOT of people rent and ALL their cats are in the same group, your partner will be feeding EVERYONE'S cats on the ENTIRE SIM .. the food and/or milk will go away so blindingly fast your partner will wonder if it was an empty bowl to begin with!
If you own the land, set it to your private group, set your cats to that group and have your partner put out food, set to that group and set to GROUP access.
If you are a marketplace sim, change your cats to your private group, have your partner put out food/milk, set to that group, and set it to GROUP. Note, however, that your cats will NOT be able to produce boxes since they will no longer be in the land group. If you're only going to be gone for a few days, this should not be a problem .. when you get back and change your cats back to the land group, they'll produce the box.
Your other option is to put all your cats in the Cattery and load in enough K$ to allow you to purchase food/milk for the duration. In this way, you can log in from anywhere you can get web access, check boxes, partner, purchase food, etc.
If you're going to be gone a few weeks, it may be more cost-effective to simply let your cats starve and wait the week when you get back for them to get healthy, again.
If you're going to be gone for several weeks, definitely if it'll be over 120 days, your best option is to Menagerie all your live cats before you leave, and start afresh from boxes when you get back.
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02-18-2016, 06:25 PM
RE: Partner to care for Kittycats
you can also set it as allcats/group and then on Range, most people have a range for only their houses
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02-18-2016, 07:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-18-2016 07:19 PM by Tad Carlucci.)
RE: Partner to care for Kittycats
Range is not a good idea if you're on a marketplace region and set the Food to All Cats or Group (in the land group), and Range, because then ALL cats on the region who have a range of Sim or Parcel will use the bowl. Sure, that's probably less than every cat on the Sim, but there's usually a few. So I'd suggest Range is a BAD idea in this case since it gives control to unknown others, not you or your partner.
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02-19-2016, 12:30 PM
RE: Partner to care for Kittycats
I did mention houses, not marketplaces  A lot of people living on rental-land restrict the range to their house and rented land in fear that the cats will wander outside and get returned by neighbours that aren't too keen on having someone elses cats on their land.
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02-19-2016, 06:28 PM
RE: Partner to care for Kittycats
Given the explanations on range and group and what type of land people may have their cats on, it does sound like it would be much much better if people can set a designated partner who can feed & cuddle and pair their cats, use their dock to send cats to the online cattery and also use their docks to send money into the cattery. I think especially partners being able to use the dock to send their cats and money to the online cattery may be useful.
When my system went down, I could access my online cattery at th library but could not access the cats in Second Life -- for some reason the library does not have Second Life on their network -- so crazy! Luckily, I had just out a bunch of food and milk for my cats in SL cuz I had just sold a mega. But if I hadn't, it would have been nice to be able to send an email to a friend to ship all my cats into th online cattery so I can take care of them. Also be nice if a partner cna pay the dock's online cattery too for the same reason.
Given how people can break up and have high drama, if KC is worried about the circumstance, people can send cats into partner online cattery but not take cats out -- a one way system. Maybe have a special dock for partners for sending cats and money only.
Kajaera, which is hte big wild cats, has a kiosk at their store where people can pay money into it for food for other people's cats. This would work too. That way it's not just for emergencies but people can also do it as a gift. The giftcard works for that I know but not if the recipient can not get online to rez and click the card. Think of a situation where someone is out suddenly for a few weeks because they or their parent is ill or their computer goes down. You don't think of the cats during a crisis because RL comes first. But it is irritating to come back to find all your cats sick or aged out of breeding. It just adds insult to injury. I've known this to happen to a couple of my friends. Another friend shares a private sim with her SL hubby so he just put out food until she came back since there are no other cats there. But a lot of us don't have the luxury of private land. And since a lot of us are older or even ill, this kind of thing does tend to happen. But if you are lucky enough to be within a supportive community, that kind of a kiosk where any person can click on it, designate who receives the KC dollars and then pay would be really awesome. Especially if coupled with a designated person who can send cats to the online cattery for you. This also fixes the problem for those who are temporarily offline due to computer issues or moving or traveling and can only access through their public library.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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02-19-2016, 07:16 PM
RE: Partner to care for Kittycats
Ohmygosh, the library didn't have Second Life? :O
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02-19-2016, 07:46 PM
RE: Partner to care for Kittycats
On a well-managed network, a Second Life client should not work since it uses non-standard communications ports. But you should be able to get to the Second Life web site (for what good that would do you). I would expect, for example, to be unable to use Second Life at places like WalMart and McDonalds.
I had expected to be unable to use Second Life at the State Park. But, I guess, their network manager is not up to snuff since it not only worked just fine, it also didn't even count against the bandwidth limit. Must have been bad for the other campers since I'm fairly sure Charm's Firestorm client was sucking down most of the available bandwidth and normal web traffic, like Google and Facebook, had to be suffering because of it. Ah, well. If they can't do it right, they sort of deserve the complaints.
On the other hand, the local public library not only blocks Second Life clients, but they use a domain server which ONLY allows access to the traditional top-level domains (.com, .net, .org, .co.uk, etc.). So, no, you can't get to kittycats.biz. But you can get to kittycats.ws (since it's the Western Samoa top-level domain).
As to paying money into your Cattery: it seems to me it would be far simpler to accept PayPal payments (hence, accept Master Card, VISA, American Express and Discover) than work out how to handle random payments from random people and credit them to the correct Cattery account.
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02-19-2016, 10:34 PM
RE: Partner to care for Kittycats
Paypal payments would be ideal. That I think would be the best solution as it doesn't involve other people when you go offline. Paypal does charge a % off the top when you send money or purchase things (the seller gets charged) through them and KC may not like that but they could institute a surcharge for Paypal paments.
Also, working out how to handle random payments from random people to credit a specific person's food account at a payment kiosk has already been done by another breedable so the know-how is already out there for that. Also we buy gifts for people that get sent to them directly by thei seller in SL but we pay for it and this seems similar in principal to me.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this." Terry Pratchett
Der Kitty Mill
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