I tried for the KittyCat of the Month the very first time - mainly because I had a red Tabby w. Grape Ice and Plush laying around in my inventory anyway
-It happened to be 5th generation from my first ever kitten, so it was also partly nostalgia for me to unbox it
Since then, I haven't tried a single time. Both for the reasons Vilandra states, and for the reasons Kayleigh mentions. I too jumped off the gem-hype and gave up. -And can't see any reason to start breeding 3-traited Snowshoe Lilacs (or whatever it is this month) - Heck, those were going out of fashion by the time I started with KittyCats! lol
So yes, I agree - but can also see it from the opposite point, I must admit! -IF you made a KittyCat of the Month to be Tawny w. perfect gerbera eyes, I probably wouldn't participate either! -Why? -Because I only got ONE tawny (Ozzy!! <3 <3 <3
), and I don't breed gerbera eyes at all. -So you'd hit an even narrower audience - the few that actually have both tawny and gerbera in their cattery - and are willing to "sacrifice" their normal breeding projects to try and combine them. (Since, IF you have tawny + perfect gerbera in your cattery, I imagine they're "busy" breeding stuff, right?
All in all, I imagine there'd be fewer participants if you follow Vilandra's suggestion... BUT... I still agree with her to a degree... so, hmm - how about trying to up the challenge just once, and then if it works out fine, maybe you could do it now and then, inbteween the 3-traited tabbies etc...? ;-)