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KittyCatz Showcase SILENT AUCTION!
03-28-2015, 07:32 AM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2015 07:40 AM by SavageR0SE Resident.)
Post: #1
KittyCatz Showcase SILENT AUCTION!
It's NEW. It's DIFFERENT! It's the KittyCatz Showcase SILENT AUCTION!!!
Tuesdays at 9 am slt with Auctioneers JULES & SavageR0SE

KittyCatz Showcase Silent Auction Addy:

[img][Image: SilentAuctionSignForumF_zpslsnpv3b4.jpg][/img]

How does it work? Come by and grab a notecard that will explain it all! :)
I promise you Lots of FUN, Excitement and Great Kitties!
We have a few panels left at $2 after which we will go to regular price.

[img][Image: SilentAuctionScreenCApture_zpscxv64kld.jpg][/img]

There will be a MYSTERY BOX on Panel #7 which will contain a SavageR0SE 9T Kitten, special cat bed designed just for the Silent Auction Cats and a cute cat collar to match! You will not know what kitten is in the box until it is sold!

[img][Image: SilentAuctionMysteryBoxForum_zpsnhpwn95k.jpg][/img]

ALSO... There is already started a 9t RAFFLE KITTY!!! It should pay out during the Silent Auction on Tuesday! :) Entry is $25L, enter as many times as you like!

[img][Image: SilentAuction9tRaffleKitty_zpsks4lqc7j.jpg][/img]
See Picture and Pedigree of "Silence", the Raffle Kitty:
[img][Image: GrottoRKPed_zpstjflbxij.jpg][/img]

We hope to see You at the Auction. Please come and get Your Panels by Sunday as the Kittens must be in place by then to give Patrons time to preview the Line-up.

Big Hugs,
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03-31-2015, 06:57 AM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2015 06:59 AM by SavageR0SE Resident.)
Post: #2
RE: KittyCatz Showcase SILENT AUCTION!
It's the KittyCatz Showcase SILENT AUCTION!!!
Tuesdays at 9 am slt with Auctioneers JULES & SavageR0SE

KittyCatz Showcase Silent Auction Addy:

[img][Image: SilentAuctionSignForumF_zpslsnpv3b4.jpg][/img]

Here is our Line-up for TODAY:

1. M 2T Megapuss PandieE&I FriskyTail

2. F 5T SnowshoeCrm Malachite 2TBWMys (Flame Wh OS)

3. M 7T-ChatCPink&WhiteNo1-KeyLime-BooBoo

4. M ? 7T-AmShRedTab-Apple-SoftFold

5. M 8T BaliChocLynx Jade TigerCurl Wild Tiger BlackMys... TRIPLE TIGER!

6. M 9T SiamChocTortie OdyBell Glitter Curious Curious WhiteMys

7. Mystery Box! Hint: Its a 9T Kitten w/ Cat bed & Cat Collar. All Matchy cuz its a "Couture KItty"!

8. St. Paddy's Boy - Lucky Dream Hiding Flame Whiskers! (Under the costume: PandieBrown&White DoubleDipFlora Eyes

9. F 8T Foxie Argyle OdyBell Porcelain ORF WhiteMys

10. ? 8T F Genesis Flame IV DRY OLIVE

11. F 9T RussBlack OdyCarnival Illume Plush Mys 2TBWMys

12. M 8T Chat Blk&WhNo1 TapAllure Twinkle Curious Rounded WhMys

13. PAIR:
F 9T Ocicat Blue Royal Saph Flair BB Mys Wht(Mys) PURE
M 9T OciBlu RoyalSapphire Flr Plsh Mys Wht(Mys) PURE

14. M 8T Ocicat Cin Sil hides LD & Tonkie

How does it work? Come by and grab a notecard that will explain it all! Smile
I promise you Lots of FUN, Excitement and Great Kitties!

[img][Image: SilentAuctionScreenCApture_zpscxv64kld.jpg][/img]

There will be a MYSTERY BOX on Panel #7 which will contain a SavageR0SE 9T Kitten, special cat bed designed just for the Silent Auction Cats and a cute cat collar to match! You will not know what kitten is in the box until it is sold!

[img][Image: SilentAuctionMysteryBoxForum_zpsnhpwn95k.jpg][/img]

ALSO... There is already started a 9t RAFFLE KITTY!!! It should pay out during the Silent Auction Today! Smile Entry is $25L, enter as many times as you like!

[img][Image: SilentAuction9tRaffleKitty_zpsks4lqc7j.jpg][/img]
See Picture and Pedigree of "Silence", the Raffle Kitty:
[img][Image: GrottoRKPed_zpstjflbxij.jpg][/img]

We hope to see You at the Auction.
Big Hugs,
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