Hello there! Thanks for taking a moment to take a peek. On the 19th I will be having a patron auction at Bluefish Bay, at the Colquhoun's Event Stage here:
There's a lovely kitty (well, I think so!) on every single panel, but some of the highlights are:
Panel A: Collabor88 Baroque Baby Black & Collabor88 Baroque Baby White (M/F)
Panel B: Toy-Sized Devil Doll Hot Angel - Boo Raspberry (M)
Panel C: Tiger! Tiger! Rainbow Girl (Rare)
Panel D: Petite-Sized SweetCatS 2 - Hot Stuff (M)
Other lovelies:
- Megapuss-Sized Abyssinian Creme w/ Fancie Teal Diamond (F)
- Teacup-Sized Ocicat Lavender w/ Exotic Breeze (F)
- Cheetah Blue Raspberry w/ Oceania (M)
& so much more, including a TOS-compliant Raffle Kitty (you pay for an item, you get an entry into the raffle, and there is a free click-to-enter option).
Hope to see you there - many blessings to all of you, whether you can make it or not! ♥