RE: Why my KittyCatS! Home positions defaulted to the dock?
An example: Recall from Cattery, on the Dock (setting home there). Move the cat to their bed and Set Home to move the home there.
Now, if the cat walks around, the Range is based upon their bed and not the Dock.
Also, if they're looking for a mate, the mate's home must be in the Range. This can be used both to enable and disable breedng. Put all your male cats on the left side of the room, and all your females on the right, 8 meters away. Set everyone's Home and all Ranges to 5 meters. Now you'll never have an unexpected box since, even though everyone is at 100% love, awake, etc., their homes are out of Range.
Watch out, though becanse you can also starve your cats if you set the food bowl range too small since it's not the cat's location, but their Home, which must be within the bowl's Range to allow them to eat.
You are correct that the Home is where the Jump to when sleeping or commanded, as well.