RE: Morning Kitty Maddness! Sundays 10AM SLT
Morning Kitty Madness! KittyCats! Number 1 Game Show Auction!
Featuring 14 Panels and Prizes!
Your Host Rayne Broome and his Lovely Assistant Navaar!
Next Gameshow is Sunday, September 26th, 2020
6T F Russian - Black with Rock My World eyes
SIBS Snowshoe - Cream with Double Odyssey Love eyes
9T M Bengal Snow with Fire eyes
8T M Burmilla Chocolate Silver Shaded with Exotic Journey eyes
8T M Tiger Golden Ticket with Marble Magic eyes
9T M Australian Mist Black with Royal Sapphire eyes
9T F Australian Mist Black with Grey Matter eyes
9T F Aby Black Silver with Grey Matter eyes
9T M Siamese Seal with Grotto eyes
SIBS British Shorthair Chocolate & White with Dry Olive eyes
9T F American Shorthair with Blacklight eyes
9T M American Shorthair with Ody Slush eyes
9T M Ocicat - Cinnamon Silver with Grey Matter eyes
8T Genesis - Smokey with Double Dip Flora eyes
Raffle Only 69L!!
9T F Toyger - Caramel with Jade eyes