All kittens must go!
9T and 9T kittens for 200L$ and 7T and 6T for 150L$
Please come and take a look, I hope you like what you see!
I also have a Ruby jewelry! Give me a nice offer and its going to be yours!
* ? 9T Balinese - Cream Lynx
Tapestry Royale (M| S) / Flair / Curious / Soft Fold /Black (Myst)
? 9T Siamese - Flame
Strawberry Bellini ( M/S) / Twinkle / Mysterious /Pointed Soft Fold / 2 Tone Black & White (Mysterious)
? 9T Bengal - Snow
Passion (M/S)/ Glitter / Mysterious / Big Boo Boo /white (Shape: Mysterious)
* ? 9T Maine Coon - Plush Calico Washed
Odys Burst (M|S) / Twinkle / Curious / Myst/ White ©
* ? 9T (+R1) Russian - Black
Azure (M/ S) / Illume / Shorty / Myst /White ( M)
* ? 8T Chateau Cat - Coffee & Cream No. 1
HuckleBerry (M|B) / Natural / Shorty / Curious / White (M)
? 8T Chateau Cat - Coffee & Cream No. 1
Canary (M|B) / Illume / Shorty /Big Boo Boo / White (Shape: Stubby)
? 8T Balinese - Cream Lynx
Mint Julep (M/S) / Natural / Fussy / Rounded / Black (Shape: Myst)
? 8T Ocicat - Cinnamon Silver
Key Lime (M/S) / Natural / Curious / Big Boo Boo / 2 Tone Black & White (Shape: Mysterious)
? 8T Ocicat - Ebony Silver
Changing Leaf (M/S) / Flair / Genesis / Curious / White (Shape: Myst)
? 7T Ocicat - Ebony Silver
Pink Ice (M/B) / Natural / Mysterious / Mysterious / White (Shape: Frazzled)
? 6T Abyssinian - Ruddy
Tapestry Harvest ((C/B) / Flair /Genesis / Pointed Soft Fold / Black (Shape: Mysterious
? 6T Chateau Cat - Cocoa & White No. 1
Blush Quartz (C/B) / Twinkle / Frisky /Genesis /Latte (Plush)