I have found at times trying to keep all the Kitties Organized can become interesting at times, any advice?
Like keeping track of where the Kitty Boxes are at?
Say if you have a customer approach you at a stall location and they are looking for a certain Kitty. You go to your Pedigree Page you find the Kitties you are looking for and you know they are In-World but where at In-World?
Is it at the Main Shop or is it at one of your Stall locations? and if so which one?
Being able to make notes on the Kitties as been Extremely helpful but are there any other tips that ya'll might have. I have found My Google Calendar very helpful if i remember to add my notes to it hehehehehehe.
I got to be organized because i am one that is not by far! But Working on it!

So any Advice would be helpful to all of us out there like me