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Kitty Idea
07-13-2016, 09:09 AM
Post: #1
Kitty Idea
Was wondering if like REAL cats RL we could have some that have LITTERS instead of just one? Big Grin Granted people might have inven full of kittens but the more options the better the coats and traits right?! Big Grin
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07-13-2016, 04:57 PM
Post: #2
RE: Kitty Idea
We randomly get twins.

I could see randomly, but very, very rarely, getting more than two. But the odds should drop off considerably with each additional box.

If, however, you're thinking along the lines of a special which gives you 8 boxes, that would probably only work if it took 8 weeks for the litter to appear, and if it were partnered for at least 7 of them. Otherwise, it would be a HUGE advantage and quite unfair to all those normal pairs getting only one box. Then at the end of those 8 weeks, you'd get 8 boxes just as if you'd breed 8 times with auto-repartner set.

The code to do this, of course, would need to be pretty complex since it would need to handle a lot of options (like breakup vitamins), errors (like lack of food) and edge conditions (like setting out to do it with cats which would pass 121 days old before the 8 weeks was up).
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