On breeds, not worried KC will run out. I think we have not started even hitting the super short hairs like the Cornish Rex -- fur is very short and very curly so just texturing but challenging. I haven't seen the other short breeds so don't know how challenging they are.
Also there are a lot of breeds kc haven't done yet
Also in RL people keep creating new breeds or creating new colors in old breeds so don't think we're in danger of running out. We could also see more types of red tabbies and calicos and other striped or patchy shorthairs -- people often want ones that lookmore like their RL cats and a wider pool would be nice.
Here are a few breeds we haven't done
my favorite: the new toygers
then there's the new werewolf cats, Lykoi
bambino -- honestly i like the name more than the look of the cat -- not really into hairless kitties but some people might be and the texturing would be more about wrinkles than fur, lol
Chartreux -- looks kind of like the russians but fur texture is a tad different: quote from wiki " known for their blue (grey) water-resistant short hair double coats which are often slightly nappy in texture (often showing "breaks" like a sheepskin)"
see how those breaks almost makes the fur look ruffled
anyways, as you can see, I'm not worried about KC running out of options, lol