I am reorganizing my cattery, changing priorities, ending some projects and focusing on others. Due to this shift I have a few live kitties for sale, mostly foxies but one ocicat and a aby dk.
They are all different ages, and at different stages of love.
Soft curl ears, oddy frazzy wave, blue marble hider, swanky tail, MOF ears, latte, gerbera blue, Oddy belli...............
that is a sampling of some of the traits they have
there are only three females left
the rest are males
This landmark will drop you right in the middle of both the males and females so stand still and wait for the rez, there is a Male and Female Icon/symbol over each group right there on the path where you land.
Feel free to wander the property, I have also put lots of new boxes out on the Male and Female carts.
If you have a problem with my pricing feel free to drop me a note card with an offer. I am open to negotiations on most thing.