My wife and I have different opinions on megapuss boundaries and that gave me an idea.
So for example purposes, let's say you had a large area for your house like a 1/4 sim.
One thing we know about linden lag waves is that they will throw a cat off sim and that's part of what causes them to disappear from the grid. Over time I have learned to try and keep cat home positions near to the center of the parcel as possible and keep them away from sim edges. This saves on support tickets.
Problem I have is that now we have megapuss' home position near the center of the house and about 10 that run rampant
in the house.
So how about a "off limits" device. This would be a small object that you could hide under furniture or other objects and would have a range setting. Basically it would work range same as it does for the cats. When you go to set range it would put a red circle where you could see what position you would need it to be at and create a no cat zone where none could be IN the circle.
Also on the menu you would need a setting strictly for the mega's and one for "all cats", and maybe my cats, and group cats. This way megas or a select group of cats would stay outside the circle or at least by positioning the device and working with the circle size could at least keep them out of certain congested areas that cause them to get stuck or go nuts trying to get free. By using a few different ones and small circles you could create small no cat zones away from other objects and trouble areas.
This would solve a lot of issues with placement and may also save on lost cat support tickets and give us more precise placement of cats, and also get the missus off my back about megas in the house.
Just a thought, how about some opinions?