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"Felidae" Art Exhibition in SL - RL Cat Paintings - Printable Version

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"Felidae" Art Exhibition in SL - RL Cat Paintings - CaraMia Quan - 06-30-2013 05:46 PM

Hello Catlovers!
I own and paint cats in RL since many many years,
now i have an Art Exhibition in SL where i show my pictures.
If you are interested please come and take a look at my personal Kitties
Exhibition "Felidae" is running till 28th of July
I hope to see ya!
CaraMia Quan

RE: "Felidae" Art Exhibition in SL - RL Cat Paintings - Emeralld Resident - 07-01-2013 01:26 PM

I there. I love your artwork. We are hosting a Live Kitty Show at Apache CatSmart this entire month and I was wondering if you would like to be a sponsor? If you would like to sponsor we will give you free advertisement space so you can put your LM and possibly make some sales for yourself. I think the people in the show would love your artwork.

Just let me know if you are interested. Smile Thanks.

Emeralld Resident.