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Suggestion: Awareness Cats! - Printable Version

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Suggestion: Awareness Cats! - GhostCollective Resident - 09-28-2012 02:23 PM

I love how KC does cats for RFL and I got to thinking what if cats were made for the different awareness months out there; like Breast Cancer (October) or Autism (April) maybe there could be the color ribbon on the fur kind of like Callie did for the SL9B cat on the side. I dont know, just an idea. I can post some ribbon colors and months in here once i find them.

RE: Suggestion: Awareness Cats! - Tad Carlucci - 09-28-2012 03:01 PM

* Tad Carlucci wonders what the Special Cat will look like for National Hot Dog Day.

*SOME* more, different, special month/day Specials might be good. But, the number of Specials for each would want to pull back some for each such added. Look what happened with the too-large collections last winter/spring .. that one collection could be broken into at least 12 pairs for monthly specials (if it had, the effects would have been better than they were with a single massive collection). But, at some point, even with the effects spread out, it will become a real drag on both the team and the breeders. And don't forget all the holidays we already have.

RE: Suggestion: Awareness Cats! - Serena Stroikavskoi - 09-28-2012 04:09 PM

I think if they stuck to world recognized holidays for collections and such then have a 'few special' days where a certain kitty could be wearing a costume like with the Mardi Gras and Irish Clover kitties would be a perfect way to go.

The collections could be available for a couple of weeks or more and the regional recognized could be for just a few days. It would allow for holidays traditions and causes that are global be done that passed traits. Then on regional holidays make it a known issue that the day before, day of, and day after you could get a 'special' kitty with a costume.

It would be more doable than having a collection going all the time. Not to mention having new traits coming out all the time.

Collections such as New Years, SL Birthday, KittyCats Birthday, Christmas, Valentines. Then have an awareness kitty for organizations that span the world.

As to the National Hot Dog Day, maybe a little weenie and some bun buns.

Just my 2cents and opinion!