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Can't play ball with my cat - Printable Version

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Can't play ball with my cat - LadyTaelia Resident - 08-23-2012 12:38 AM

Not sure why but I've played ball with my cats before, only I can't now. Before when I played the ball would ask if it could attach to and animate my avatar. Now when I try, it just tells me "could not find object KittyCatS Toy"
I've taken every single prim I owned off the sim on which I played with them last, thinking perhaps the ball was still rezzed but it wasn't. It's nowhere on the sim but I still keep getting that message. Is there anything I can do to be able to play ball with my KittyCats again? Huh

RE: Can't play ball with my cat - StrayCat Southpaw - 08-23-2012 01:36 AM

Hello Lady,

what you can try with your cat is the following: Sent the cat to the ONLINE CATTERY. You click your cat and choose CATTERY. Once you did that, you get yourself the CATTERY DOCK from the KittyCatS mainstore if you not already have it, rezz it to the ground, click CAT TO SL and get the cat back into SL. Maybe after you done that, it will play with you again.

For the case that sending your cat to the cattery didn't help, please make a ticket at our Support site under and include the cats ID. Smile

StrayCat Southpaw
-KittyCatS Customer Support-

RE: Can't play ball with my cat - LadyTaelia Resident - 08-23-2012 12:10 PM

Thank you very much. I tried the cattery suggestion and my cats will play with me once I've done that.
Only thing is when I do play with them again, they play for a short time and then come back to me saying
the same message of Could not find object KittyCatS Toy in which I do have to send them to the cattery again to
fix the problem before I can play with them again. It's not a huge deal knowing there is a way to fix the issue
though. Your suggestion was one I did not know I could do as I'm still fairly new to raising KittyCats.

RE: Can't play ball with my cat - Nenya Eun - 08-23-2012 05:34 PM

If the same script error appears again, toggling low prim mode should solve it.

RE: Can't play ball with my cat - LadyTaelia Resident - 08-26-2012 03:56 AM

Thank you. Will have to try that as well. I'm still learning there's so many things
I can do with my KittyCats... today is the first day I've been able to cuddle or hold
them. Before, I was only able to allow them to sit on my shoulders which I almost
asked if this was normal. Guess it is up until they are 6 days old. Smile All of the advise
and help is much appreciated and will have to remember all the awesome tips.

RE: Can't play ball with my cat - Nenya Eun - 08-26-2012 05:15 AM

Indeed Taelia, kittens under 5 days old, teacups (size of a new born / 2 days old) and toys (size of a 4 days old)
sit on your shoulder instead of jumping in your arms.
Also when you pet the kittens and tinies, you do so with a feather duster. Smile

RE: Can't play ball with my cat - LadyTaelia Resident - 08-30-2012 04:32 AM

Thank you again. I love how you use the feather duster. 2 of my cats are now old enough that
they do jump in my arms and I still have one is a bit younger and sits on my shoulder. All of the tips
so far have really helped.

RE: Can't play ball with my cat - Kent Nubalo - 09-17-2012 03:42 PM

Im getting this same Error message that I cant play ball. I was able to one time, now just keep getting script errors:

KittyCats - Rani: Could not find object 'KittyCatS Feather (wear me)'.
KittyCats - Rani: Could not find object 'KittyCatS Toy'.

Even when petting, there is no duster. Kitten is only born today

RE: Can't play ball with my cat - Tad Carlucci - 09-17-2012 04:01 PM

Errors like that indicate the object needed is not in the objects (cat's) inventory. There are number of possible causes. A common one is user error. Another potential would be the needed inventory was forgotten when they were building one of the many forms of cats you can switch between.

You could check yourself, to be sure. Just be careful to not accidentally make any changes like deleting anything.

You could try sending the cat to the Cattery and getting a fresh copy from your Dock .. that would allow you to fix the problem yourself.

I'd file a ticket. Whether it was their error, user error or some other cause, they'll almost certainly provide a working replacement. Plus, filing the ticket let's them track the problem, in case it's an error on their part. So, even if you "fix" it using the Cattery .. file a ticket anyway; just tell them how you fixed it.

RE: Can't play ball with my cat - Kent Nubalo - 09-17-2012 04:17 PM

Ok, not sure how to do this "Cattery" I did get the docking station and it asked to take money from me? The website isnt real clear on how this all works.

(09-17-2012 04:01 PM)Tad Carlucci Wrote:  Errors like that indicate the object needed is not in the objects (cat's) inventory. There are number of possible causes. A common one is user error. Another potential would be the needed inventory was forgotten when they were building one of the many forms of cats you can switch between.

You could check yourself, to be sure. Just be careful to not accidentally make any changes like deleting anything.

You could try sending the cat to the Cattery and getting a fresh copy from your Dock .. that would allow you to fix the problem yourself.

I'd file a ticket. Whether it was their error, user error or some other cause, they'll almost certainly provide a working replacement. Plus, filing the ticket let's them track the problem, in case it's an error on their part. So, even if you "fix" it using the Cattery .. file a ticket anyway; just tell them how you fixed it.