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Partnering a cat with love 'off' - Printable Version

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Partnering a cat with love 'off' - Liriel Garnet - 08-21-2012 12:52 PM

Someone said in chat today they'd accidentally partnered a cat with a cat too old to breed, and asked how to split them up. I didn't think this sounded right and tested to be sure with a cat i'd just pulled out of my breeding lineup into inventory and a 132 day old pet -- sure enough, it let me partner them.

? Princess Nyn

? 132 days ?? Off ? 91%

?? 95% ?? 11%

Partner: Still Waters
(10 days remaining)

This really needs to be hard-coded that a cat with breeding off won't accept a partner.

RE: Partnering a cat with love 'off' - Sanura Snowpaw - 08-21-2012 09:47 PM

I am pretty sure it used to be maybe when the update came out it messed that up.