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Cat Rezzing out of Home Range - Printable Version

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Cat Rezzing out of Home Range - Erinbeast Resident - 07-31-2023 07:25 PM

My cat likes to disappear completely, out of his home range, and sometimes even off the prim. Anytime I log in I have to do an area search to find him and bring him back to his home range. How do I fix this? Huh

RE: Cat Rezzing out of Home Range - Tad Carlucci - 08-01-2023 11:01 AM

Depends on what's happening.

Did you remember to set it's Home position when you rezzed the cat. Every time you drag the cat out of inventory, it's Home position is the point you dropped it. If that's not where you want it's Range centered, you need to Set Home once you move the car to the correct point.

Cats can "walk through walls" and, if that puts them outside their Range, they can get lost trying to move back inside their range. They can "wiggle" through floors, too; which can be a problem for skyboxes.

When a cat goes to sleep, it will "teleport" to its Home position. It's not a real teleport, it's a series of moves along the line to Home. But if that line takes the cat to a No Entry zone, it will freeze at the edge of that zone. This can lead to cats at seemingly random points in the sky.

What exactly your problem is depends upon your situation.

The only sure-fire way to make a cat stay put is to set it where you want it, Set Home there, then pose so it becomes a statue.