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can't rez kibble from inventory - Printable Version

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can't rez kibble from inventory - Izo Ryba - 09-19-2018 02:19 PM

i have some kibble and start food in inventory that i cannot rez........others work fine, but these 5 particular items have as creator / owner "teststring pleaseignore"
and a 2006 acquired date [ thats before my time too]Huh

RE: can't rez kibble from inventory - Nenya Eun - 09-19-2018 04:35 PM

That's definitely not official items. The only creator should be KittyCats Resident and KC started in 2011.

RE: can't rez kibble from inventory - Izo Ryba - 09-20-2018 05:26 AM

now the folder where these items were is empty. might be some kind of SL bug

RE: can't rez kibble from inventory - Tad Carlucci - 09-20-2018 06:38 AM

Sounds like it might be a good idea to flush all your cache. Inventory cache, especially, but it probably won't hurt to flush 'em all. Odds are good the 'SL bug' is fixable by making sure your local copy actually matches your actual inventory.