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Sweet Cat! Permas! Sick retired collectibles cheap! - Printable Version

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Sweet Cat! Permas! Sick retired collectibles cheap! - katsiaryne Resident - 04-09-2018 02:50 PM
♀ KittyCatS 6th Birthday Permapet - L$2500
♀ Glacier Snow - Winter 2016 Permapet - L$3500
♀ Valentine 2011 - Kiss Me Sweet Cat Permapet - L$75000

Boxed Collection
♂ Retro RoboCatS! - Kaleidoscope Toy Twins Boxed - L$1800
♀ Retro RoboCatS! - Kaleidoscope Tea Twins Boxed - L$2500
♂ LoVe BeeS! - Rainbow Sherbet - L$5000
♀ Mardi Gras 2014 - Fat Cat Girl (TOY) - L$2000
♂ MateyCatS! - Cap'n Blood - L$700
♀ MateyCats - Wenchy Sunshine - L$700
+ more!

Retired Sickies - Complete your collection or heal/perma and resell!
♀ Fall In Love - Fun & Free - L$300
♀ FlowerS & ShowerS - Showers - L$600
♂ RomanticatS! Knight Fall - L$400
♀ Garden Party - Peach Girl - L$800
♀ Naughty Kitty! - Naughty Abby - L$700
♂ cRaZy lOVe - Hot For You - L$700