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Ivy Lane's Patron Auction with Dei! you are invited - Printable Version

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Ivy Lane's Patron Auction with Dei! you are invited - Ivy Lane - 09-06-2017 12:12 PM

Please come to my patron auction :
Tuesday 9/12/17
with Dei at 1pm slt
All set up , click here to visit the line up or keep reading!

♂ 9Tm Siam Flm Pmpkn Blsh Shry SC Flm/Drmy
♀ Aussie Blu EX twnkle Flffy DF Blk/DD
♂Foxie Chestnut GSTR prc Psh MOF Flm /DP
♂ 9Tm Swanky Lite
♀ Chat PW NO1 GB Lsh ScF 2TBW/DP toy
♀ S: 9Tf Tygr S Onyx flr Flffy SC Flm/Lush

2 cats Full Siblings : Mega and Sister Date
♂ Siame Seal GStr twnkl Lsh ScF BS/DSnpy
♀ Siam Seal SW Blsh Flffy SC L/DP

♂ 9Tm SS C GStry twnkl SP ScF L/Sssy 5050caramel
Size: Toy

2 cats not siblings : just both a retired fur
♂ Aby BS KL Twnkl mys PSF Flm/LW
♀ Scarey Fing Cat (hide ben black with onyx and scot

♂ Burm RSS OM Blsh Flffy ScF Flm/DSnpy
♂ 9tm Equine: Tonki BM V Porc mys BS/frzld
♀ 9Tf Burm Plat GS flr Fluffy ScF Dusky/Plus
Size: Teacup

RE: Ivy Lane's Patron Auction with Dei! you are invited - Ivy Lane - 09-12-2017 10:29 AM

It's today, sure hope you can join me !!!!!!!!!