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Menagerie Cats - Printable Version

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Menagerie Cats - Saffron Lanley - 08-29-2017 12:53 PM


Where do you go to purchase the Menagerie Collection Cats? I know they can only be purchased through sending cats to the Menagerie and receiving Kitty Dollars, but I can't seem to find where to go to get them with my Menagerie Kitty Dollars.

Thanks for any help, I am new to KittyCatS and appreciate the advise!


RE: Menagerie Cats - HikariItsumo Resident - 08-29-2017 03:51 PM

Hi there,

At the KittyCatS mainstore, in the lobby !


RE: Menagerie Cats - Saffron Lanley - 08-29-2017 03:59 PM

Thank you!