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Random Error on Birthing Kitten - Printable Version

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Random Error on Birthing Kitten - Khea Karas - 02-24-2012 11:28 AM

I had a box on birthing. With one minute to go, the box sent the message "Cannot Birth parcel full". Normally I would check group and the issue would be fixed. The box was set to correct group this time and I did have enough prims to birth.

I took the box into my inventory to try and fix the issue. After I "took" the box, the kitten appeared where the box was.

I now have the kitten and the box. When I rez the box the script error reads: Could not find object 'KittyCat1.17-13'. (well yes you left it behind ^^)

At this stage the kitten seems fine, which is the reason i did not file a support ticket but thought this should be reported incase Im not the only one to have this happen too.

My sim runs Second Life Server
ID: f4c2ed04-2349-eb2e-600f-293a63f46c07

RE: Random Error on Birthing Kitten - Sanura Snowpaw - 02-24-2012 07:31 PM

I've actually gotten that message before and I waited a few moments and there would be the kitten and no box.

While waiting I tend to check the group and parcel prims available.

Hope your kitten stays well!