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Suggestion: Kibble & Milk Megapacks - Printable Version

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Suggestion: Kibble & Milk Megapacks - Nocshadue Balbozar - 02-21-2012 04:17 AM

I'd really like to see mega packs of milk and kibble offered at a generous discount. I do know that you get a discount already on the bigger packs..but for someone who knows they are hooked and will be breeding well into the future, a pack of 100 at a time seems a good idea. Or..maybe as some other stores are doing..offer a % back on all purchaces in the form of store credit that automatically goes into your K$ fund. I plunk down around 40k L$ every month and having that credit would encourage me to maybe buy a few more love potions and perma pets now and then.

Just a thought,
Noc Dodgy

RE: Suggestion: Kibble & Milk Megapacks - anna Acanthus - 02-21-2012 05:15 AM

40K !! oh Noc i didn't realize u'd got THAT naughty hope u r Blush

Well yes i'd really like to see something like this too.
Not sure there actually is any discount for the big packs actually, i'll have to go do my sums again to be sure.

RE: Suggestion: Kibble & Milk Megapacks - Saga Felix - 02-21-2012 05:36 AM

Yes, there is quite a bit of discount for the 20 pack kibble for instance - 20 x 170 = 3400 - while it actually costs less then 3k. So the discount is definitely there.

If the kitty-food should be any cheaper, I think it should be in general. While KittyCats are SAID to be one of the cheaper breedables, food-wise, we can't realistically breed them in large numbers without milk - which brings the price per cat per month up to a staggering 330L before discounts, potions etc. - while many other breedables stay around 200L.

The whole milk-thing also makes prices less transparent and breeding much more difficult for new breeders, so if you want to change anything food-wise, by all means - get rid of the damn milk and raise the kibble-price to 250 or so for breeders... -While staying below 100L for non-breeders.
While that may look as bad business for KittyCats at first glance, I believe it would increase the numbers of cats on the grid. I have seen people scared away once they started calculating food + milk + vitamins... :O

RE: Suggestion: Kibble & Milk Megapacks - Karen Veriander - 02-21-2012 08:22 AM

My philosophy is always to buy the biggest pack of food that I can, so I like Noc's idea a lot.*stuffs her 50-plus live kitties behind the couch*.

RE: Suggestion: Kibble & Milk Megapacks - Kayleigh McMillan - 02-21-2012 10:27 PM

I like a less complex food/milk system as Saga suggests.
Or an all in one.
And yes eventhough, with all the support, service and updates on our kitties, I think the prices are fair it would be awsome if we can be less concience about the prices and breed more.
So a bulk discount for big breeders sounds really good.
I consider myself a small breeder since I'm super concience about the prices and keep my cat levels always at about the same amount no matter what good projects cross my path.
I would love to be able to be a somewhat bigger breeder I enjoy it so much:-)
But I like to continue breeding and collecting specials now and in the future so I keep my breeding cats always the same amount:-)

RE: Suggestion: Kibble & Milk Megapacks - Lixy Byron - 02-22-2012 12:54 AM

Oh.. this would be really good...

RE: Suggestion: Kibble & Milk Megapacks - Corey Somme - 02-22-2012 04:02 PM

(02-21-2012 05:36 AM)Saga Felix Wrote:  Yes, there is quite a bit of discount for the 20 pack kibble for instance - 20 x 170 = 3400 - while it actually costs less then 3k. So the discount is definitely there.

If the kitty-food should be any cheaper, I think it should be in general. While KittyCats are SAID to be one of the cheaper breedables, food-wise, we can't realistically breed them in large numbers without milk - which brings the price per cat per month up to a staggering 330L before discounts, potions etc. - while many other breedables stay around 200L.

The whole milk-thing also makes prices less transparent and breeding much more difficult for new breeders, so if you want to change anything food-wise, by all means - get rid of the damn milk and raise the kibble-price to 250 or so for breeders... -While staying below 100L for non-breeders.
While that may look as bad business for KittyCats at first glance, I believe it would increase the numbers of cats on the grid. I have seen people scared away once they started calculating food + milk + vitamins... :O

Brilliant idea on the milk/food.

RE: Suggestion: Kibble & Milk Megapacks - Nocshadue Balbozar - 03-06-2012 01:47 AM

Hey thank you all that took time to reply! I actually like Saga's idea a lot..I am just so used to buying the food + milk I never thought of that! that would really be awesome =o)
