KittyCatS! Community Forum

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OPALINE hider, COLLECTION & PERMA-PETs REDUCED! - AstridSolace Resident - 02-13-2017 09:39 AM

Prices slashed for urgent kibble!

Newly added Foxie CHESTNUT boy!

Pure Opaline eye hider live boy REDUCED
Love Leopard perma-pet REDUCED
MEGA perma-pet REDUCED
Solid Burmilla Red Shaded BDB REDUCED

All prices reduced, including Collection Cats!!

Plus more Russians, Burmillas, Tabbies, Bengals, Siamese, Balis, Aussies, Chateaus, Pandies, Abys, Foxies, Burmese & lots of Limited Edition Collection cats.

LOTS of well traited RETIRED furs

Mad Cat in a Box @ Secret Smile
Mad Cat in a Box @ Secret Smile

Heaps more cats at my mainstore:
Mad Cat in a Box mainstore

Thank you! Have a great day!

RE: New Stock! Collectors & PURE OPALINE eyes and more! - AstridSolace Resident - 02-14-2017 12:12 AM


RE: OPALINE hider, COLLECTION & PERMA-PETs REDUCED! - AstridSolace Resident - 02-25-2017 09:33 AM

updated! prices reduced! urgent sale!